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It's not possible to use request objects in the API (e.g. findItems(SearchRequest(name, status, fromDate, ...))
). One more example is a pagination parameter, something like Page(size,offset)
. I'd like to use a model in the API but it's not possible at the moment.
Kotlin Client generator is not exploding a query object properly. It uses the object toString()
method, so API request doesn't work. See OpenAPI Parameter Serialization.
openapi-generator version
OpenAPI declaration file content or url
This file has objects in the query parameters
Generation Details
./bin/ ./bin/configs/kotlin*
Steps to reproduce
Generate Kotlin Client for this spec. It's clear from the generated code that object query params are not exploded properly. So API calls won't work properly using this generated client.
Related issues/PRs
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Suggest a fix
Fix #20714