Generic but extensive cleanup of cookies/cache/temp files on Windows based assets (Workstation and server).
Explanation of Functions:
InstallCMTrace; Download and install Microsoft's CMTrace log viewing tool from SCCM.
DiskSpaceBefore; Captures disk space before the script removes any files.
ProcessWarning; Checks for open processes that will interfere with the script.
ProcessTermination; Closes all open processes that will interfere with the script.
DiskCleanup; Launches Microsoft Disk Cleanup (cleanmgr) and sets flags for all items that it's capable of cleaning.
Win10UpgradeCleanup; Removes all files related to the Windows 10 Upgrade project.
CleanCTemp; Checks folder size and deletes files older than 30 days old if folder is over 1GB.
CleanIISLogFiles; Cleans IIS Log files older than 14 days old.
StartupItems; Reports on Startup items. (IN PROGRESS)
UserCleanup; Removes Users that have not logged into the computer in over 30 days.
GPUpdate; Runs GPUpdate.
FlushDNS; Flushes DNS.
IECleanup; Removes Cookies and Cache from IE.
ChromeCleanup; Removes Cookies and Cache from Chrome.
FirefoxCleanup; Removes Cookies and Cache from Firefox.
UserTempFiles; Removes User specific temp files.
JavaCache; Removes Java cookies and cache.
AdobeAcrobat; Removes Adobe Acrobat cookies and cache.
AdobeFlash; Removes Adobe Flash cookies and cache.
OfficeCleanup; Removes cache from Office applications.
SystemTempFiles; Removes System level Temp files.
SystemLogFiles; Removes System level log files (NOT Event Viewer logs).
HelionUSMT; Checks for and removes the Helion USMT folder.
DiskCleanupCheck; Checks to see if Disk Cleanup is running and waits for it to complete if it is.
DiskSpaceAfter; Captures disk space after the script removes files.
Housecleaning; Reporting on script results.
ScriptEnding; Removing script files and stop logging.
WorkstationRestart; Prompts for logout and restart options.