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Fix error text #24



Term Not Found

We are sorry that your request did not return any expected result. Here is a list of possible reasons:

--> Your requested term has been deprecated
This should never happen, since OBO says we obsolete by marking not removal. However, if we say this it should only be in the case that it has been removed, which could be detected if ontobee kept track of URIs present at the release.

-> The ontology that contains the term has not been updated

How would this general an error? Do you mean that the term might be too new?

-> Whoops! Our program has an unhandled and unexpected error in processing your request.
If you think that you reached this page in error, or you have any request or concern, you may contact us by:

We ought to be able to tell the difference between a whoops and a missing term.

In the below there are too many choices, and some of the information is out of date. There should be a pointer to the Github site with a that gives all this information and pointers, and a separate hyperlink to where to submit issues - somewhere that doesn't require a use/password. Or perhaps have a bug submission form on the error page which adds issues recorded there to the issue list.
The goal is to make it super-easy to file a report, since otherwise many people won't.

Raise the issue in the Ontobee-discuss Google Group (Note: Recommended if you want fastest reply):
Leave a message at!forum/ontobee-discuss, or
Directly send an email to:
Note: You are welcome to join the group, and it is open to everyone:-)
Submit a bug report or request a new feature at:
-> For OBO Foundry related questions, contact:

I'm not sure this belongs here specifically. It's in the banner of every page anyways.



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