- Make sure that you are using Unreal 5.3 or above
Create a Fork of this project with your github account. If you don't have one or you want to just clone the project it's also fine, just remember to put it on WeTransfer or your GDrive afterwards. After finishing it, please share it with Tim
We want to create a multiplayer minigame where two players can grab the blue cubes and drop in to the goal to get a score.
The goal of this test is not to create a complex set of mechanics for locomotion or physical interactions. You can make the player grab the cubes in any way you want. We really want to see your way of thinking and approaching the problem.
In project you will find:
- ThirdPersonMap - The map where you will implement the above gameplay
- BP_Item - The default blue cube in the map converted to a bp.
- BP_Goal - The visual indicator where players should drop the cubes.
We will use Number Of Player = 2 and Net Mode = Client (Editor Preference -> Level Editor - Play -> Multiplayer Optopns) to test this.
- Complete a solution for the problem outlined above in Blueprints.
- Let the player know they can grab the item when they get close.
- Display each players score.
- Respawn items randomly after score.
- Allow players to steal items from each other.
- Organise assets and folders as you would normaly
- If your code is self explanatory, comments are not required.
- Use comments to if there is something you want to explain in detail.