Tags: Ohkthx/cbadv-rs
v2.0.2 **Bug Fixes** - When deserializing a product, price is set to default if the price is missing. - Small bug fix for TimeInForce enum. - Fixed Level2 Channel for the WebSocket. - MarginWindowMeasure is now correctly public. **New Additions** - Readers returned from the `websocket.connect` can be passed directly to listen. - Serialization added to Message Events. - Made `WebSocketClient::process_message()` publicly accessible. - `WebSocketClient::fetch_async()` and `WebSocketClient::fetch_sync()` added so that the user can obtain and process messages with closures. - Implemented From<Product> for ProductUpdate. - Added Result<(), String> as a return to the fetch_(a)sync functions. **Optimizations** - Updated snippets to adhere to best practices (linting). - Corrected the mutability for WebSocketClient connect() and `connect_endpoint()`. - Simplify messages to use no custom serde function. - Removed several unused crates. **Documentation** - README updates. - Updated websocket example. - Add example of pattern matching on events. **Breaking Changes** - Swapped names for `handle_reconnection` and `reconnect`, made `reconnect` public. - Removed `enable_user` from WebSocketClientBuilder. Toggled by providing authentication details. - Removed `MessageCallback` and `CandleCallback` traits. They were clunky in implmentation for the user. - Removed `candle_watcher`, this will be revisited in the future with the new listener system.