This is an app to monitor your kafka consumers and their position (offset) in the queue.
You can see the current consumer groups, for each group the topics that they are consuming and the position of the group in each topic queue. This is useful to understand how quick you are consuming from a queue and how fast the queue is growing. It allows for debuging kafka producers and consumers or just to have an idea of what is going on in your system.
The app keeps an history of queue position and lag of the consumers so you can have an overview of what has happened in the last days.
Here are a few screenshots:
If you do not want to build it manually, just download the current jar.
This is a small webapp, you can run it locally or on a server, as long as you have access to the ZooKeeper nodes controlling kafka.
java -cp KafkaOffsetMonitor-assembly-0.2.1.jar \
com.quantifind.kafka.offsetapp.OffsetGetterWeb \
--zk zk-server1,zk-server2 \
--port 8080 \
--refresh 10.seconds \
--retain 2.days
The arguments are:
- zk the ZooKeeper hosts
- port on what port will the app be available
- refresh how often should the app refresh and store a point in the DB
- retain how long should points be kept in the DB
- dbHost (default 'localhost')
- dbPort (default '3306')
- dbName where to store the history (default 'offsetapp')
- dbUser (default '')
- dbPassword (default '')
The KafkaOffsetMonitor is released under the Apache License and we welcome any contributions within this license. Any pull request is welcome and will be reviewed and merged as quickly as possible.
Because this open source tool is released by Quantifind as a company, if you want to submit a pull request, you will have to sign the following simple contributors agreement:
- If you are an individual, please sign this contributors agreement and send it back to
- If you are contributing changes that you did as part of your work, please sign this contributors agreement and send it back to