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Ocelot edited this page Jul 25, 2020 · 1 revision

Description of the Modules tab

  • In this tab, you can see list of the station modules and customize module settings.
  • Each modules can be set module count, equipment, build method.


Table of contents

1. Description of screen items

1.1. Description of buttons and text boxes


No Item Type Description
1 Search by entering text Text box You can narrow down the displayed modules by typing a text.
2 Merge Button When clicked, same modules are combined into one record.
3 Auto add Button When clicked, a module to produce the missing product will be added.
4 Add Button When clicked, display the Select module window

1.2. Description of the module list


No Column name Description
1 Module name When click the cell, display the Select module window and you can change module.
2 Module count When click the cell, you can change the module count.
3 EQP Clicking on the "Edit" cell of a module with a equipment will display the Edit equipment window and you can edit equipment.
4 Turrets / Shields When you hover over the number of turrets and shields in a module with equipment, you will see the current equipment.
5 Build method You can select a construction method from the list by clicking the "Build method" cell of a module with multiple construction methods.

After selecting a module, you can copy, paste and delete it by right-clicking on it. module_tab_context_menu

2. Sub-windows of the modules tab

2.1. Select module window


No Item Type Description
1 Select Button When clicked, selected modules add to Module list.
2 Close Button When clicked, close this window.
4 Module type / Owner faction Check list box Check on / off each item, displayed modules will be narrow down or display.
5 Search by entering text Text box You can narrow down the displayed modules by typing a text.

Check on / off item, displayid modules will be refinement or display.

2.2. Edit equipment window


No Item Type Description
1 Module name Text box The name of the module displayed to edit equipment.
2 Equipment size Combo box You can select the equipment size (e.g. L / M)
3 Preset Combo box You can select the saved preset.
4 💾 Button Save the preset overwritten.
5 Button Edit the name of the preset.
6 Button Create a preset based on the current equipment.
7 🗑 Button Delete the preset.
8 Save Button Save the equipment and close the window.
9 Close Button Close the window without saving the equipment.
10 Owner faction Check list box Check on / off each item, displayed turrets / shields will be narrow down or display.
11 Search by entering text Text box You can narrow down the turrets / shields by typing a text.
12 Button When clicked, equip the selected items in the module.
You can add a selection at once by clicking while holding down the left shift.
13 Button Removes the selected equipment.