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Monaco Editor for React


Monaco editor wrapper for easy/one-line integration with React applications without need of webpack (or other module bundler) configuration files.


There is a well-known web technology based code editor called Monaco Editor that powers VS Code. There are also many ways to integrate it provided by monaco creators. But there were tons of problems with integration of monaco with modern technologies; e.g React.

There also exist solutions for integration with React; e.g this one and this one. But they need some custom webpack configuration to make Monaco fully work, which is not the "best" solution for such kind of things like create-react-app - CRA.

With this solution, you don't need any kind of webpack configuration files and it works great with React apps created by CRA or created by something else.


Check it out!




npm install @monaco-editor/react 


yarn add @monaco-editor/react

NOTE: for type definitions, this package uses monaco-editor package and it is defined as a peer dependency. So, if you need types and you have not monaco-editor npm package installed in your project, you have to install it by yourself.


Besides types three main components are also exported from the package:

  • Editor
  • DiffEditor
  • ControlledEditor

And the utility that gives ability to access to monaco instance (simply called "monaco")


Simple Usage

Here is an example of a simple integration of monaco editor with a react project. You just need to import and render the Editor component. You can play with it here

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";

import Editor from '@monaco-editor/react';

const App = () => <Editor height="90vh" language="javascript" />;

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);
Extended example
import React, { useState } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";

import Editor from "@monaco-editor/react";
import { FillSpinner as Loader } from "react-spinners-kit";

import examples from "./examples";

function App() {
  const [theme, setTheme] = useState("light");
  const [language, setLanguage] = useState("javascript");
  const [isEditorReady, setIsEditorReady] = useState(false);

  function handleEditorDidMount() {

  function toggleTheme() {
    setTheme(theme === "light" ? "dark" : "light");

  function toggleLanguage() {
    setLanguage(language === "javascript" ? "python" : "javascript");

  return (
      <button onClick={toggleTheme} disabled={!isEditorReady}>
        Toggle theme
      <button onClick={toggleLanguage} disabled={!isEditorReady}>
        Toggle language

        height="90vh" // By default, it fully fits with its parent
        loading={<Loader />}
        options={{ lineNumbers: "off" }}

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);

You can play with it here

Get Value

You may ask how we can get the value of the editor. There is a prop called editorDidMount. It gets two arguments: the first one is a function to get editor value, the second one is the editor instance. Here is an example of how you can implement it. You can play with it here

import React, { useRef, useState } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";

import Editor from "@monaco-editor/react";

function App() {
  const [isEditorReady, setIsEditorReady] = useState(false);
  const valueGetter = useRef();

  function handleEditorDidMount(_valueGetter) {
    valueGetter.current = _valueGetter;

  function handleShowValue() {

  return (
      <button onClick={handleShowValue} disabled={!isEditorReady}>
        Show value

        value={"// write your code here"}

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);

Monaco Instance

If you want to create your own language or theme, or modify existing ones you may need to access to the monaco instance. So, to that purpose, there is a utility called "monaco" exported from library and you can use it like this:

import { monaco } from '@monaco-editor/react';

  .then(monaco => {/* here is the instance of monaco, so you can use the `monaco.languages` or whatever you want */})
  .catch(error => console.error('An error occurred during initialization of Monaco: ', error));

You can play with it here


By default, monaco files are being downloaded from CDN. There is an ability to change this behavior, and other things concerning the AMD loader. We have a default config file you can modify it by the shown way.

import { monaco } from '@monaco-editor/react';

// you can change the source of the monaco files
monaco.config({ paths: { vs: '...' } });

// you can configure the locales
monaco.config({ 'vs/nls': { availableLanguages: { '*': 'de' } } });

// or
  paths: {
    vs: '...',
  'vs/nls' : {
    availableLanguages: {
      '*': 'de',

NOTE: your passed object will be deeply merged with the default one.

Editor Instance

It's handy to have access to the editor instance for some reason.

As we have already mentioned, the editorDidMount prop gets the editor instance as a second argument. Here is an example of how you can use the editor instance. You can play with it here

import React, { useRef } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";

import Editor from "@monaco-editor/react";

function App() {
  const editorRef = useRef();

  function handleEditorDidMount(_, editor) {
    editorRef.current = editor;
    // Now you can use the instance of monaco editor
    // in this component whenever you want

  function listenEditorChanges() {
    editorRef.current.onDidChangeModelContent(ev => {

  return (
      <button onClick={listenEditorChanges} disabled={!!editorRef.current}>
        Press to listen editor changes (see console)

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);

Controlled Editor

The default export of the library is uncontrolled react component:

import Editor from '@monaco-editor/react'

We make it by default uncontrolled to keep the nature of the monaco editor as much as it is possible. And based on our experience we can say that in most cases it will cover your needs, as you can see in the examples above. And we highly recommend using that one.

But in any case, if you want a controlled one, there is an option for that. The library exports ControlledEditor (as named export). It is the same as the default one (Editor), plus it has onChange method. It is working a little bit different comparing with, for example, the controlled input field.

Here is onChange prop, it will be called each time when the content of the editor is changed. It gets two arguments, first one is the "event" object of monaco, the second one is the current value of the editor.

You can use it without circulating the data, and just by returning it from onChange simple setting the new value; see the example (You can play with it here)

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";

import { ControlledEditor } from "@monaco-editor/react";

const BAD_WORD = "eval";
const WARNING_MESSAGE = " <- hey man, what's this?";

function App() {
  const handleEditorChange = (ev, value) => {
    return value.includes(BAD_WORD) && !value.includes(WARNING_MESSAGE)
      ? value.replace(BAD_WORD, BAD_WORD + WARNING_MESSAGE)
      : value.includes(WARNING_MESSAGE) && !value.includes(BAD_WORD)
        ? value.replace(WARNING_MESSAGE, "")
        : value;

  return (
      value={"// try to write e%v%a%l somewhere 😈 \n"}

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);

Or like in usual controlled components; see the example (You can play with it here)

import React, { useState } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";

import { ControlledEditor } from "@monaco-editor/react";

const BAD_WORD = "eval";
const WARNING_MESSAGE = " <- hey man, what's this?";

function App() {
  const [value, setValue] = useState("// try to write e%v%a%l somewhere 😈 \n");

  const handleEditorChange = (ev, value) => {
      value.includes(BAD_WORD) && !value.includes(WARNING_MESSAGE)
        ? value.replace(BAD_WORD, BAD_WORD + WARNING_MESSAGE)
        : value.includes(WARNING_MESSAGE) && !value.includes(BAD_WORD)
          ? value.replace(WARNING_MESSAGE, "")
          : value

  return (

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);
Another example
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";

import { ControlledEditor } from "@monaco-editor/react";

function App() {
  const handleEditorChange = (ev, value) => {
    return `"it doesn't matter what you are writing, I am staying here!!!"`;

  return (

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);

You can play with it here


For electron users

As a usual React component, this one also works fine with an electron-react environment, without need to have a webpack configuration or other extra things. But there are several cases that developers usually face to and sometimes it can be confusing. Here they are:

  1. You see loading screen stuck Usually, it's because your environment doesn't allow you to load external sources. By default, it loads monaco sources from CDN. You can see the default configuration. But sure you can change that behavior; the library is fully configurable. Read about it here. So, if you want to download it from your local files, you can do it like this:
import { monaco } from '@monaco-editor/react';

monaco.config({ paths: { vs: '../path-to-monaco' } });
  1. Based on your electron environment it can be required to have an absolute URL The utility function taken from here can help you to achieve that. Let's imagine you have monaco-editor package installed and you want to load monaco from the node_modules rather than from CDN: in that case, you can write something like this:
function ensureFirstBackSlash(str) {
    return str.length > 0 && str.charAt(0) !== '/'
        ? '/' + str
        : str;

function uriFromPath(_path) {
    const pathName = path.resolve(_path).replace(/\\/g, '/');
    return encodeURI('file://' + ensureFirstBackSlash(pathName));

  paths: {
    vs: uriFromPath(
      path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules/monaco-editor/min/vs')

There were several issues about this topic that can be helpful too - 1 2 3 4

And if you use electron with monaco and react and have faced an issue different than the above-discribed ones, please let us know to make this section more helpful.

For Next.js users

Like other React components, this one also works with Next.js without a hitch. The part of the source that should be pre-parsed is optimized for server-side rendering, so, in usual cases, it will work fine, but if you want to have access, for example, to monacoInstance you should be aware that it wants to access the document object, and it requires browser environment. Basically you just need to avoid running that part out of browser environment, there are several ways to do that. The one is described here.

And if you use monaco with Next.js and have faced an issue different than the above-described one, please let us know to make this section more helpful.

Create your own editor

First, let's understand what exactly the library provides us. There are two major parts exported from the library: the Editor component and the monaco utility.

The Editor is a React component; it's a logic of bindings between monaco editor and the React environment. It receives props and organizes their appliance to the monaco.

The monaco utility is a collection of functions that are being used to setup monaco editor into your browser. monaco.init() handles the whole initialization process and returns to you the instance of the monaco editor - monaco.init().then(monacoInstance => ...). The Editor component uses this utility, gains access to monacoInstance, and creates the editor. Here is the implementation of the Editor component. You can use the same technique to create your own Editor. You can just import the monaco utility, access to monacoInstance, and create your own editor with your own custom logic. The shortest way to do it:

import { monaco } from '@monaco-editor/react';

monaco.init().then(monacoInstance => {
  const wrapper = document.getElementById("root");
  const properties = {
    value: "function hello() {\n\talert('Hello world!');\n}",
	language:  "javascript",
  monacoInstance.editor.create(wrapper,  properties);

That's all. You can wrap it into a React component, or Vue, or Angular or leave it as vanilla one or whatever you want; it's written in pure js.

You can play with the example here



Name Type Default Description
value string The editor value
language enum: ... All languages that are supported by monaco-editor
editorDidMount func noop Signature: function(getEditorValue: func, monaco: object) => void
This function will be called right after monaco editor is mounted and is ready to work. It will get the editor instance as a second argument
theme enum: 'light' | 'dark' 'light' Default themes of monaco
line number The line to jump on it
width union: number | string '100%' The width of the editor wrapper
height union: number | string '100%' The height of the editor wrapper
loading union: React element | string 'Loading...' The loading screen before the editor is loaded
options object {} IEditorOptions
className string monaco container className
wrapperClassName string monaco container wrapper className


Name Type Default Description
original string The original source (left one) value
modified string The modified source (right one) value
language enum: ... All languages that are supported by monaco-editor
originalLanguage enum: ... *language This prop gives you the opportunity to specify the language of the original source separately, otherwise, it will get the value of language property. (Possible values are the same as language)
modifiedLanguage enum: ... *language This prop gives you the opportunity to specify the language of the modified source separately, otherwise, it will get the value of language property. (Possible values are the same as language)
editorDidMount func noop Signature: function(getModifiedEditorValue: func, getOriginalEditorValue: func, monaco: object) => void
This function will be called right after monaco editor is mounted and is ready to work. It will get the editor instance as a third argument
theme enum: 'light' | 'dark' 'light' Default themes of monaco
width union: number | string '100%' The width of the editor wrapper
height union: number | string '100%' The height of the editor wrapper
loading union: React element | string 'Loading...' The loading screen before the editor is loaded
options object {} IDiffEditorOptions
className string monaco container className
wrapperClassName string monaco container wrapper className

Controlled Editor

Extended from Editor (the same props as in Editor plus onChange introduced below)

Name Type Default Description
onChange func noop Signature: function(ev: any, value: string | undefined) => string | undefined onChange method of monaco editor. It will be called right after the content of the current model is changed. It gets two arguments: first one is the "event" object of monaco, second one is the current value. NOTE: onChange can return the new value, which will be inserted to editor




Monaco Editor for React



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