Imagine you have a collection of books or texts, and you want to analyze how word usage varies from book to book or author to author.
We can analyze one text by running the
script, with the
name of the book we want to analyze:
$ ./ Flu_Fall_2022.txt
If you run the ls
command, you should see a new file with the prefix counts
which has the results of this python script. This is the output we want to
produce within an HTCondor job. For now, remove the output:
$ rm counts.Flu_Fall_2022.tsv
To submit a single job that runs this command and analyzes the Flu_Fall_2022 text, we need to translate this command into HTCondor submit file syntax. The two main components we care about are (1) the actual command and (2) the needed input files.
The command gets turned into the submit file executable
and arguments
executable =
arguments = Flu_Fall_2022.txt
The input file for this job is the Flu_Fall_2022.txt
text file. We include that in the following submit file option:
transfer_input_files = Flu_Fall_2022.txt
There are other submit file options that control other aspects of the job, like where to save error and logging information, and how many resources to request per job.
This tutorial has a sample submit file (wordcount.sub
) with most of these submit file options filled in:
$ cat wordcount.sub
executable =
arguments =
transfer_input_files =
output = logs/job.$(Cluster).$(Process).out
error = logs/job.$(Cluster).$(Process).error
log = logs/job.$(Cluster).$(Process).log
request_cpus = 1
request_memory = 512MB
request_disk = 512MB
queue 1
Open (or create) this file with a terminal-based text editor (like vi
or nano
) and
add the executable, arguments, and input information described above.
After saving the submit file, submit the job:
$ condor_submit wordcount.submit
You can check the job's progress using condor_q
. Once it finishes, you should
see the same counts.Flu_Fall_2022.tsv
Now suppose you wanted to analyze multiple books - more than one at a time. You could create a separate submit file for each book, and submit all of the files manually, but you'd have a lot of file lines to modify each time (in particular, the "arguments" and "transfer_input_files" line from the previous submit file).
This would be overly verbose and tedious. HTCondor has options that make it easy to submit many jobs from one submit file.
First we want to make a list of inputs that we want to use for our jobs. This should be a list where each item on the list corresponds to a job.
In this example, our inputs are the different text files for different books. We
want each job to analyze a different book, so our list should just contain the
names of these text files. We can easily create this list by using an ls
command and
sending the output to a file:
$ ls *.txt > text.list
Next, we will make changes to our submit file so that it submits a job for
each book title in our list (seen in the text.list
Create a copy of our existing submit file, that we can use for this job submission.
$ cp wordcount.sub wordcount-many.sub
Then, open the file with a text editor and go to the end. We want to tell the
keyword to use our list of inputs to submit jobs. The default syntax looks like this:
queue from
Therefore, when we modify this syntax to fit our example, we get:
queue book from text.list
This statement works a little bit like a for loop. For every item in the text.list
file, HTCondor will create a job. Each item can be referenced elsewhere in the submit
file using the text
variable name.
Therefore, every time we used the name of the text in our submit file (in the previous example,
everywhere you see "Flu_Fall_2022.txt") should be
replaced with a variable. HTCondor's variable syntax looks like this: $(variablename)
So the following lines in the submit file should be changed to use the variable $(text)
arguments = $(text)
transfer_input_files = $(text)
We're now ready to submit all of our jobs.
$ condor_submit wordcount-many.submit
This will now submit five jobs (one for each book on our list). Once all five have finished running, we should see "counts" files for each book in the directory.