1、As i know the NGSI v2/entities get rest api support the limit(up to 1000) and offset parameter,I setup the idra Catalogues below:
"title": "SampleData",
"description": "",
"theme": [
"keywords": [
"distributions": [
"title": "SampleData",
"description": "",
"distributionAdditionalConfig": {
"query": "type=SampleData&options=keyValues,count",
"fiwareService": "",
"fiwareServicePath": ""
"mediaType": "",
"license": {
"uri": "",
"name": "license",
"type": "",
"versionInfo": ""
the count of SampleData is 20000+ or more but the v2/entities get rest can only return 1000 max records。how can i deal with this condition.
2、the Idra datalet table is then same scene,is there any way to dynamic paging the CB datas in the table?
Look forward to your reply