This is a Docker image made for Rancher users.
It generates certificates with Let's Encrypt to match what's in its configuration file, and imports them to Rancher using the API.
This is mainly a Python 3 script that uses ACME Tiny.
If you already used Let's Encrypt with the certbot
client, you can copy your account key .json
file (found in /etc/letsencrypt
) and convert it to the format used by this script using the
Otherwise, you can generate a new key with : openssl genrsa 4096 > account.key
This image declares two volumes:
for the configuration fileconfig.yml
and can be used to store the Let's Encrypt account keys./media/acme-challenge
is where the challenge files will be put.
This image doesn't take care of making the ACME Challenge files available from the web. If you don't already have a web server to do that, you can create a nginx
service and mount the volume with the challenge files to be available at the /.well-known/acme-challenge
path. You need to configure your frontend or loadbalancher to make all requests to the path /.well-known/acme-challenge
- on all the domains you want certificates for - go to the right service.
The script needs tokens to access the Rancher API. You just need to add the following labels to the service and Rancher will automatically create environment vars for the API access :
Here is an example Rancher config:
io.rancher.container.create_agent: 'true'
io.rancher.container.agent.role: environment
image: jremy/rancher-auto-certs:X.Y.Z
- auto-certs-config:/usr/src/app/config
- auto-certs-acme-challenge:/media/acme-challenge
image: nginx:1.10
- auto-certs-acme-challenge:/usr/share/nginx/html/.well-known/acme-challenge:ro
The script config file is a YAML file.
Each certificate is defined with a name
and a list of domains
. The name is only used for Rancher. Usually the name is one of the certificate domains, but this is not a restriction.
The script will run once a day, and renew certificates if needed.
When you update the config, just restart the container in Rancher for the script to re-run.