DVTA is a Vulnerable Thick Client Application developed in C# .NET
Most of the vulnerabilities that were built into DVTA were found during my real world pentests.
Insecure local data storage
Insecure logging
Weak cryptography
Lack of code obfuscation
Exposed decryption logic
SQL Injection
CSV Injection
Sensitive data in memory
DLL Hijacking
Clear text data in transit
Client side protection bypasses using Reverse Engineering
Requires .NET version 4.5
Get the compiled binary from releases. Alternatively, clone the project and compile from the source.
Set up SQL Server and FTP Server - instructions shown here https://youtu.be/rx8mtI1HU5c
Queries used in the video: QUERY TO CREATE "USERS" TABLE: CREATE TABLE "users" ( "id" INT IDENTITY(0,1) NOT NULL, "username" VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, "password" VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, "email" VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT NULL, "isadmin" INT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY ("id") ) QUERY TO INSERT DATA INTO "USERS" TABLE: INSERT INTO dbo.users (username, password, email, isadmin) VALUES ('admin','admin123','admin@damnvulnerablethickclientapp.com',1), ('rebecca','rebecca','rebecca@test.com',0), ('raymond','raymond','raymond@test.com',0); QUERY TO CREATE "EXPENSES" TABLE: CREATE TABLE "expenses" ( "id" INT IDENTITY(0,1) NOT NULL, "email" VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, "item" VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, "price" VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, "date" VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, "time" VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") )
Configure the client application to communicate with SQL Server and FTP Server - Instructions shown here https://youtu.be/IBdk2uOessc
Explore and exploit