Simplistic user-script to remove YouTube's "Adblockers are not allowed" popup.
It automatically closes the anti-adblock popups and un-pauses (or loads) the video for you.
Hopefully even fast enough so that you don't even notice 😸
- It removes the closable "Ad blockers are not allowed on YouTube" popup.
- It removes the closable three-strikes popup.
- And it removes the non-closable "Ad blockers violate YouTube's Terms of Service".
- It also supports playlists and timestamps and stuff.
- Oh and the script auto updates. Which is neat. I guess.
Note: This is not a replacement for your Ad-Blocker.
This script has been tested and is compatible with the following extensions and userscripts:
- AdBlockPlus
- uBlock Origin
- minerBlock
- Return YouTube Dislike
- Sponsor block for YouTube
- YouTube Playlist Search
- Enhancer for YT
- ... others will most likely work as well, but have not been tested. Please report any issue you encounter.
Existing solutions either didn't work (e.g. a semi transparent window was still there and scrolling was disabled) or they were overkill (e.g. a complete youtube-only adblocker) or they only killed one type of popup.
Hence: ✨ YouTube Anti-Anti-Adblock ✨
Install Tampermonkey for your browser:
- Tampermonkey for Chrome
- Tampermonkey for Firefox or Greasemonkey for Firefox
- Tampermonkey for Edge
- Tampermonkey for Opera/OperaGX
Note: ViolentMonkey works too!
If the button doesn't work for some reason: click here.
🍴 You can also find the script on Greasy Fork!
Feature request or discovered a bug? Please open an Issue here on GitHub.
Made with
If you're interested in helping out (thanks!):
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Open it in your favourite IDE
- Install the dependencies for linting with
npm i
- Link the script in Tampermonkey
Basically, in your Tampermonkey dashboard you create a new script that looks like this:
// ==UserScript==
// @name YouTube Anti-Anti-Adblock
// @name:de YouTube Anti-Anti-Adblock
// @namespace yt-anti-anti-adblock
// @version 1.2.2
// @description Removes all the "ad blockers are not allowed on youtube" popups.
// @description:de Entfernt alle "Werbeblocker sind auf YouTube nicht erlaubt" popups.
// @author NullDev
// @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 NullDev
// @license MIT
// @match *://**
// @homepageURL
// @supportURL
// @icon
// @grant none
// @run-at document-idle
// @require file://C:/Users/XXX/PATH/TO/REPOSITORY/YT-Anti-Anti-Adblock/yt-anti-anti-adblock.user.js
// ==/UserScript==
Pay attention to the // @require
line and edit the path accordingly.
- Windows:
- Linux:
Note: Make sure you DO NOT provide a @updateURL
and @downloadURL
Then make sure the Tampermonkey extension has permissions for file paths.
And finally, just code in your IDE and Tampermonkey will autoupdate it. (You need to reload YouTube though)
Now all thats left to do is grab an open issue and start coding. 😸