- The E-Mustshfa web app is a personal health record app available for web, it is easy for the patients to store, record and share the personal medical data with any doctors or healthcare providers through the internet. This web app helps the patient in storing and tracking the diet, weight, medications, allergies, health history, fitness, lab results, X-rays, scans, blood pressure and other health-related information.
- MERN Stack
- MongoDB
- Express
- React CRUD
- Nodejs
- Semantic ui react
- As a user i would like to have a webapp for an Elctronic medical record .
- As a user i would like to be able to registr .
- As a user i would like to be able to signin and put my medical history.
- As a user i would like to upload edit and delete the files.
- As a user i would like to book an appointment with a doctor .>>> future work
1st day
- Divided the tasks
- Made the Schemas for the database
- Made a part of the Authintecation
- Home page front-end 2nd day
- Made the Registerasion and login page and its connection with the backend
- crteated the homepage and the forms
- created rountign 3rd day
- Made the connection between Home page and back-end
- Made the Activites pages .
- did a couple of styling changes 4th day
- Made the README file
- Change password funcionality
- Connecting frontend pages with back-end
- Made the booking confirmation
- had a ton of fun :)
- brianstormaing
- printing everything
- googling errors
- asking for help
- reading the documentation :## Acknowledgments
- We would like to thank our beautiful and geniuses instructors and classmates for their motivation and providing help.
- our team is so amazing : -
- Semantic ui React
- (https://react.semantic-ui.com/)