A Go library for efficient Ethereum multicalls using the Multicall3 contract.
- Efficient batching of multiple contract calls
- Support for different Ethereum networks
- Configurable batch size and timeout
- Error handling and failed call detection
- Allow failure of calls using Aggregate3
To install go-multicall, use the following command:
go get github.com/NotCoffee418/go-multicall
Here's a basic example of how to use go-multicall to fetch multiple ERC20 token names in a single call:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Connect to an Ethereum node
client, err := ethclient.Dial("https://polygon-rpc.com/")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to connect to the Ethereum client: %v", err)
// Multicall3 for your your chain
// Find it here: https://www.multicall3.com/deployments
multicallAddress := common.HexToAddress("0xcA11bde05977b3631167028862bE2a173976CA11")
// Create a multicall configuration
cfg := multicall.NewMulticallConfig(
100, // Batch size
30*time.Second, // Timeout
// Load the target contract abi
erc20ABI, err := abi.JSON("[]") // Placeholder
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to parse ABI: %v", err)
// Define token addresses to query
tokenAddresses := []common.Address{
common.HexToAddress("0x7ceB23fD6bC0adD59E62ac25578270cFf1b9f619"), // WETH
common.HexToAddress("0xc2132D05D31c914a87C6611C10748AEb04B58e8F"), // USDT
common.HexToAddress("0x3BA4c387f786bFEE076A58914F5Bd38d668B42c3"), // BNB
// Prepare multicall requests
requests := make([]multicall.CallRequest, len(tokenAddresses))
for i, addr := range tokenAddresses {
callData, err := erc20ABI.Pack("name")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to pack call data: %v", err)
requests[i] = multicall.NewCallRequest(addr, callData, true)
// Execute multicall
results, err := multicall.MulticallRaw(cfg, requests)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Multicall failed: %v", err)
// Process results
for i, result := range results {
if result.Success {
name, err := erc20ABI.Unpack("name", result.Data)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to unpack result for %s: %v", tokenAddresses[i].Hex(), err)
fmt.Printf("Token at %s has name: %s\n", tokenAddresses[i].Hex(), name[0].(string))
} else {
fmt.Printf("Call failed for token at %s\n", tokenAddresses[i].Hex())
This example demonstrates how to:
- Connect to an Ethereum node (Polygon in this case)
- Create a multicall configuration
- Prepare ERC20 'name' function calls for multiple token addresses
- Execute the multicall
- Process and display the results
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.