I am finding the same problem using ne30pg3_tn14 with the xgrid. I suspect this is a problem with the tnx1v4 mesh?
We should probably get in touch with the ESMF group to see if they have any idea.
20241127 200137.741 ERROR PET128 Destination id=84161 NOT found in weight matrix.
20241127 200137.742 ERROR PET128 ESMCI_Mesh_Regrid_Glue.C:428 ESMCI_regrid_create() Arguments are incompatible - - There exist destination cells (e.g. id=84161) which don't overlap with any source cell
20241127 200137.765 ERROR PET128 ESMCI_Mesh_Regrid_Glue.C:710 ESMCI_regrid_create() Arguments are incompatible - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20241127 200137.765 ERROR PET128 ESMCI_MeshCap.C:1679 MeshCap::regrid_create() Arguments are incompatible - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20241127 200137.765 ERROR PET128 ESMF_Regrid.F90:375 ESMF_RegridStore Arguments are incompatible - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20241127 200137.774 ERROR PET128 ESMF_FieldRegrid.F90:1241 ESMF_FieldRegridStoreNX Arguments are incompatible - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20241127 200137.774 ERROR PET128 ESMF_FieldRegrid.F90:4038 ESMF_FieldRegridStoreX Arguments are incompatible - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20241127 200137.774 ERROR PET128 med_phases_aofluxes_mod.F90:887 Arguments are incompatible - Passing error in return code
20241127 200137.774 ERROR PET128 med_phases_aofluxes_mod.F90:443 Arguments are incompatible - Passing error in return code
20241127 200137.774 ERROR PET128 med_phases_aofluxes_mod.F90:299 Arguments are incompatible - Passing error in return code
20241127 200137.774 ERROR PET128 MED:src/addon/NUOPC/src/NUOPC_ModelBase.F90:2207 Arguments are incompatible - Passing error in return code
20241127 200137.774 ERROR PET128 /cluster/work/users/mdeb/eblds/ESMF/8.6.1/iomkl-2023b-ParallelIO-2.6.3/esmf-8.6.1//src/Infrastructure/Trace/src/ESMCI_Trace.C:1707 ESMCI:TraceEventPhaseExit() Wrong argument specified - Trace regions not properly nested exiting from region: [MED] med_phases_aofluxes_run Expected exit from: MED:(med_aofluxes_init)
20241127 200137.774 ERROR PET128 /cluster/work/users/mdeb/eblds/ESMF/8.6.1/iomkl-2023b-ParallelIO-2.6.3/esmf-8.6.1//src/Infrastructure/Trace/src/ESMCI_Trace.C:1665 ESMCI::TraceEventCompPhaseExit() Wrong argument specified - Internal subroutine call returne
With the update to cmeps0.14.32 I am getting the following error in trying to use the xgrid for the aoflux computation
The atm grid is fv 1.9x2.5 and the ocean grid is a tripole tnx1v4:
20230525 140103.421 ERROR PET194 ESMCI_Mesh_Regrid_Glue.C:572 ESMCI_regrid_create() Internal error: Bad condition - /cluster/home/mdeb/.local/easybuild/build/ESMF/8.4.1/iomkl-2021b-ParallelIO-2.5.10/esmf-8.4.1//src/Infrastructure/Mesh/src/Regridding/ESMCI_WMat.C, line:291:Shouldn't
have the same matrix entries with different values.
20230525 140103.422 ERROR PET194 ESMCI_MeshCap.C:1676 MeshCap::regrid_create() Internal error: Bad condition - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20230525 140103.422 ERROR PET194 ESMF_Regrid.F90:368 ESMF_RegridStore Internal error: Bad condition - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20230525 140103.422 ERROR PET194 ESMF_FieldRegrid.F90:1202 ESMF_FieldRegridStoreNX Internal error: Bad condition - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20230525 140103.422 ERROR PET194 ESMF_FieldRegrid.F90:3927 ESMF_FieldRegridStoreX Internal error: Bad condition - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20230525 140103.422 ERROR PET194 med_phases_aofluxes_mod.F90:871 Internal error: Bad condition - Passing error in return code
! create agrid->xgrid route handles
call ESMF_FieldRegridStore(xgrid, field_a, field_x, routehandle=rh_agrid2xgrid, rc=rc)
if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
call ESMF_FieldRegridStore(xgrid, field_a, field_x, routehandle=rh_agrid2xgrid_2ndord, &
if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return