- 🙌 I design software for and from people.
- 🎓 I'm a Software Engineer graduated from Tecnológico de Monterrey.
- 🔭 I’m currently working as Member of Technical Staff at Oracle.
- 💻 I obtained my degree as a software development technologist at CETI.
- 💪 I like to exercise and lift weights.
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him.
- ⚡ Fun fact: My favorite painting is Van Gogh's Starry Night, but I don't like any of his other works.
- 🌐 You can see some of my certifications and achievements on Achievements.
- 📺 I show some of my software projects and videogame projects on YouTube.
Project carried out in collaboration with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Published in the 2023 scientific journal of the Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition.
System that processes a series of images of a river and,
through deep learning, generates a regression model to
predict the water level and flow rate.
Programming Languages Utilized: Python and Latex
This is a website for helping learners develop their coding skills through educational text, videos and various forms of media. In addition, this is also a platform for links to resources to support our learners overall well-being.
Programming Languages Utilized: Flask (Python/Backend), HTML, JavaScript, Angular.
This project consists of a web and mobile based app that generates captions from images captured by the device's camera.
Programming Languages Utilized: Flask (Python/Backend), HTML, CSS, Javascript.
Encapsulated in Docker container.
Solution to the urban mobility problem in Mexico, through an approach that reduces vehicular congestion by graphically simulating traffic, representing the output of a multi-agent system.
Programming Languages Utilized: Flask (Python/Backend), Python, C#.
Simulated on Unity.
Web platform with user type management to control and follow up the recruitment process of new personnel.
Developed for Amdocs. Private for data protection.
Programming Languages Utilized: HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and Node.