.gitignore from https://github.com/Corysia/Unity-Oculus-Example/blob/master/.gitignore (they have MIT license)
The hardware used is an Ocolus Quest 2. Developer mode should be enabled, so that the apk can be installed. Hand tracking should be enabled, as drawing on the whiteboards are done with your hands.
The prototype is built using the Unity Engine version 2021.2.19f1, this must be installed. A guide for setting up unity for Oculus Quest 2 development can be found here.
Plug in the headset to the PC, accept permission to install files. In the Unity editor build and run to the device. After installing and runnign you should be faced with a lobby with 2 buttons, use the controller to select either case 1 or case 2.
Here is a gif of the prototype working as intended in Case 2: