Project guess-who. Project is about making a digital "board-game" where you guess who the random person is by asking questions. Week 2 in learning javascript, especially about arrays, object, loops.
Started with going through the material in technigo, then working in the group on the sandbox exercises. Then watching the code along and starting to work on the github repo. Watched former students projects to get a hang of it. Worked on the code on my own folder a bit before doing it here, just to see what happens and to be able to make mistakes and learn from them. Then doing some extra fun stuff like making my own images/"persons" to the board game cards.
Fixed bugs. Fixed some css. Added earrings. Added beard. Added own pics just for fun(only 6 characters), made them with a wacom board on Krita and converted the images to svg with adobe express. Changed smoker to cigarette.
If I had more time I would do some more own pics/images and work some more on the mobile version on css. I would also do some more options/questions to the game.