Releases: NikolaiVChr/maestro
Maestro and ABC Player 2.3.6
Added Basic Fiddle
Added lowest notes for sprightly, lonelyMountain and traveller's fiddles.
Some volume adjustments.
Maestro and ABCPlayer 2.3.5
Added Student Fiddle NoFX, which is without the noises and silent notes.
Maestro and ABCPlayer 2.3.4
Fixed regression that it would not proper assign instruments when loaded from ABC. (thanks to Keli for reporting)
Maestro with 4 fiddles
Added Sprightly, Lonely Mountain and Traveller's Trusty Fiddles. (extracted by Bruzo)
All the fiddles are now auto-numbered as 9, and cowbells are same as drums.
The Student's Fiddle has now got its silence and noises at bottom of lowest octave, and its program is moved from 40 to 60.
Please complain if you insist on hiding the noisy notes of the Student's Fiddle. The reason I enabled them is that we now have Lonely Mountain Fiddle without noises, and the noises should therefore maybe not be hidden away, but be there so you can hear and test them for your songs that utilize them.
The volume probably still needs adjusting, so feel free to comment on the sound levels. To compare it proper I recommend using ABCPlayer with stereo off.
Aifel of Laurelin
Maestro Test release for Student Fiddle
Student Fiddle Added, lowest 7 notes will be transposed up so the noises wont play.
Authors of this change:
Bruzo, adarbyem and Aifel of Laurelin.
Please test and report back issues.