Added option like tree in q-select
quasar ext add select-options-tree
Quasar CLI will retrieve it from the NPM registry and install the extension to your project.
- options:
- type": "Array",
- Available options that the user can select from,
- examples:
[{label: 'American Cars', value: 'american' selected: false, children: [ {label:'Ford', value: 'ford', selected: false}, {label:'Tesla', value: 'tesla', selected: false}, {label:'General Motors', value: 'general', selected: false}]}]"
- attributes: - type": "Object", - All attributes Qselect (multiple is default)
- setValue: - type: "Function", - Emit for get model
- nodeKey: - type: "String", - Option key
quasar ext remove select-options-tree