Several webpages were scraped to produce a dictionary of content used to make a Mongo Database and a Flask Application that renders an html file populated with content from the scrape.
- mission_to_mars.ipynb
Jupyter notebook where code is run line by line to show that it's scraping the websites. Chromedriver is used to access the websites for scraping.
Contains a function which opens a browser, scrapes info from the four websites (see below), creates a dictionary with all the scraped information
Smallest file that took the longest! Flask app that has a home route which launches the index.html template and a scrape route which runs the scrape_mars file, writes the resulting dictionary to a pymongo database (will upsert data when rerun), redirects the user to the homepage which loads the data from the pymongo database
- index.html
An html page where data is displayed
Technology used
- Python, Jupyter notebooks
- Mongo and PyMongo
- Flask
- Bootstrap
Websites Scraped
* Nasa Science - Mars Exploration Program
For the space news headline and title text
* NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Caltech
For the featured image section
* Space Facts - Chris Jones
For the mars facts table - taken directly from the Mars PLanet Profile table
* USGS Astropedia
For hemisphere images and their names
Screenshot of the running