- Nikhil KR (PES2201800044)
- Roshan Daivajna (PES2201800372)
- Ruchira R Vadiraj (PES2201800602)
- The link to the dataset can be found here (https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/crimes-2001-to-present-398a4).
- The data is first acquired from the given link and is pre-processed.
- The PartI.py file handles data acquisition, data pre-processing and exploratory data analysis.
- The refined processed data is saved as a CSV file (output.csv - Download locally).
- The second part of the analysis is done in R due to the packages available and ease of use.
- The PartII.R file gets the output.csv file and model selection and forecasting is done.
- The final result obtained is shown as the output, with the error rates.
- Forecasting is done on a particular type of crime, Burglary.
- Data aggregation and further model selection is done in R due to easy data handling provided by R dataframes.