DartDB is a in-memory relational database for Dart.
With DartDB, you can create table and manipulate table data in a similar maner as you would do in SQL.
DartDB is in development and cannot be yet used.
var countries=new Table.fromList( [
new Column.fromList("ID",[1,2,3,4,5,6,7]),
new Column.fromList("NAME",["France","USA","UK","Burkina-Faso","Ivory Coast","Belgium","Sénégal"])]
var cities=new Table.fromList(
new Column.fromList("ID",[1,2,3,4,5,6,7]),
new Column.fromList("NAME",["Paris","Ouagadougou","New-York","Abidjan","London","Bruxel","Cannes"]),
new Column.fromList("COUNTRY_ID",[1,4,2,5,3,6,1])
var monuments=new Table.fromList( [
new Column.fromList("ID",[1,2]),
new Column.fromList("NAME",["Eifel Tower","Empire State Building"]),
new Column.fromList("CITY_ID",[1,3])
var it=countries.joinWith(
cities.joinWith(monuments,mode: FULL_JOIN, matcher: (a) => a[0]==a[5] ),
mode: LEFT_JOIN, matcher: (a) => a[0]==a[4] )
.where( (e) => (e[0]!=null && e[1] != "France"))
var r=it.toList(growable:false);
expect (r, equals([
['Belgium', null, null],
['Burkina-Faso', null, null],
['Ivory Coast', null, null],
['Sénégal', null, null],
['UK', null, null],
['USA', 'New-York', 'Empire State Building']