Specially created Docker image for Python to work as a devcontainer for development purposes.
It contains:
- Python sourced from official Python image on Docker Hub. We are using now Python version 3.12 as it is now the latest Python version supported by the type checkers we use.uv
- for Python package management
It contains the neccesary dependencies for running various linters and type checkers:
- for running Pyre Python type checkershfmt
- for shell script formattingreviewdog
- for code reviewhadolint
- for linting Dockerfileactionlint
- static checker for GitHub Actions workflow files
We host the image on Github packages.
You can use it the like this:
Command line:
docker pull ghcr.io/nextgencontributions/python-dev-image
In your project's Dockerfile
FROM ghcr.io/nextgencontributions/python-dev-image
# Do your own customizations here...
With VSCode in .devcontainer/devcontainer.json