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Ioannis Papapanagiotou edited this page Oct 27, 2017 · 7 revisions


Dynomite manager provides a REST endpoint to execute several administration commands. The default prefix used in Dynomite Manager is as follows


The REST APIs tend to change based on the features. Below is a brief list but more accurate information can be retrieved from the DynomiteAdmin.

The following operations are currently implemented in DynomiteAdmin, which is the central location for the REST calls

  • /backup: forces a backup
  • /consistency: Get information for read/write consistency
  • /cluster_describe: responds with a JSON file of the cluster level information
  • /hashtag: get the hashtag
  • /get_seeds: responds with the hostnames and tokens
  • /restore: forces a restore
  • /start: starts Dynomite
  • /stop: stops Dynomite
  • /startstorageprocess: starts storage process
  • /status: get overall information about the node
  • /stopstorageprocess: stops storage process
  • /takesnapshot: persist the storage data (if Redis) to the drive (based on configuration properties, this can be RDB or AOF)
  • /version: provides Dynomite-manager's version (not fully implemented)


curl http://localhost:8080/REST/v1/admin/status screen shot 2016-07-19 at 11 42 29 am

Potential issues

By default Jetty uses the same name of the Web project as the context root - in this case, dynomitemanager-web. This creates a problem because end up publishing the wrong endpoint. Make sure you set the context root properly such that the URL is as above.