Tags: Netflix/archaius
Toggle v2.8.2's commit message
Merge pull request #738 from Netflix/rollback-exception-propagation
Go back to the old behavior of returning null on ParseExceptions
Toggle v2.8.1's commit message
Merge pull request #737 from Netflix/type-error-handling
Ensure that one failing subscription does not prevent others from being called
Toggle v2.8.0's commit message
Merge pull request #735 from Netflix/type-error-handling
Throw ParseException when a configuration setting can't be parsed as the type requested
Toggle v2.7.10's commit message
Merge pull request #726 from Netflix/numeric-raw-values-conversions
Handle numeric conversions for non-string raw values.
Toggle v2.7.9's commit message
Merge pull request #722 from Netflix/send-scopes
Add scopes to PropertiesInstrumentationData
Toggle v2.7.8's commit message
Merge pull request #721 from Netflix/prefixedviewconfignesting
Fix instrumentation propagation of PrefixedViewConfigs
Toggle v2.7.7's commit message
Merge pull request #720 from Netflix/updatejacksondeps
Update jackson deps
Toggle v2.7.6's commit message
Merge pull request #718 from Netflix/2.x-bridge-uninstrumented-endpoint
Add uninstrumented endpoint for the Archaius2-Archaius1 bridge
Toggle v0.7.12's commit message
Merge pull request #717 from Netflix/1.x-bridge-uninstrumented
Add getPropertiesUninstrumented endpoint for ConfigurationUtils
Toggle v2.7.5's commit message
Merge pull request #708 from Netflix/track-individual-properties
Add support for tracking individual properties' stack traces
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