上周有 35 个新 issue。
22 个 issue 已经被关闭,13 个 issue 仍然保持打开状态。
💚 #16160 taro build --type h5 报错 js/app.588bd635.js from Terser TypeError: t.replace is not a function at Array.forEach (), by alwaysRemember
💚 #16155 使用Taro.chooseImage 选择图片后,调用Taro.getCurrentInstance获取到的router和page是空的, by student-ice
💚 #16150 chore(deps): bump expo-image-picker from 15.0.5 to 15.0.7, by dependabot[bot]
💚 #16149 chore(deps): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 6.21.0 to 7.17.0, by dependabot[bot]
💚 #16148 chore(deps): bump joi from 17.13.1 to 17.13.3, by dependabot[bot]
💚 #16147 chore(deps-dev): bump expo from 51.0.9 to 51.0.22, by dependabot[bot]
💚 #16146 chore(deps): bump @react-native/metro-babel-transformer from 0.73.15 to 0.74.85, by dependabot[bot]
💚 #16145 chore(deps): bump react-native-svg-transformer from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0, by dependabot[bot]
💚 #16144 chore(deps): bump @babel/code-frame from 7.24.6 to 7.24.7, by dependabot[bot]
💚 #16143 chore(deps): bump loader-utils from 3.2.2 to 3.3.1, by dependabot[bot]
💚 #16142 chore(deps-dev): bump @types/tapable from 1.0.12 to 2.2.7, by dependabot[bot]
💚 #16139 Could not load C:\Users\gouzi\Desktop\新建文件夹\myApp\src\pages\index\index.tsx?page-loader=true: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'routeName'), by ghost
💚 #16131 refactor(types): sync components types, by github-actions[bot]
❤️ #16167 feat: 为京东小程序添加editor组件, by ZEJIA-LIU
❤️ #16166 feat: 为jd小程序平台补充 editor 组件, by ZEJIA-LIU
❤️ #16165 @tarojs/plugin-html 启动weapp报错, by chioio
❤️ #16164 issue test, by liqinuo
❤️ #16162 chore(release): publish 4.0.3, by liqinuo
❤️ #16161 feat(sync): merge harmony, by ZEJIA-LIU
❤️ #16159 taro build --type h5 报错 js/app.588bd635.js from Terser TypeError: t.replace is not a function at Array.forEach (), by alwaysRemember
❤️ #16158 taro 3.6.43版本.vue3 使用 Taro.navigateTo 跳转subpage报错 ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/xxx/Documents/xxxx/xxxx/dist/subpage-matter/sub-common/8352e021f195559c0251e89ff5c25069.wxss' (env: macOS,mp,1.06.2405020; lib: 3.5.0), by scl930227
❤️ #16157 feat(cli): 支持 create 传递framework,css和typescript并且调整 templateSource 的优先级, by ZEJIA-LIU
❤️ #16156 feat(vite): 调整小程序的分chunks逻辑, by ZEJIA-LIU
❤️ #16154 使用 android studio 安装项目依赖时报错, by kunkuntang
❤️ #16153 fix: 小程序 vite vue3 的拆 chunks 修复, by ZEJIA-LIU
❤️ #16152 feat(cli): 增加私有化模板不展示的逻辑, by koppthe
❤️ #16151 是否支持打包成供鸿蒙使用的bundle文件, by AaronHuange
❤️ #16141 微信小程序 taro/cli4.0.2+vite4.2.0+vue3.x TypeError: Cannot read property 'createTextNode' of null, by Aliujiayu
❤️ #16140 feat: vite 小程序端的 chunks 拆分, by ZEJIA-LIU
❤️ #16138 chore(deps): bump @react-navigation/stack from 6.3.29 to 6.4.1, by dependabot[bot]
❤️ #16137 chore(deps): bump inquirer from 8.2.6 to 10.1.2, by dependabot[bot]
❤️ #16136 chore(deps-dev): bump ts-jest from 29.1.4 to 29.2.3, by dependabot[bot]
❤️ #16134 页面元素每次发生变化,Map组件都会初始化(Android 真机), by ChenAndKai
❤️ #16133 Windows11 环境安装失败, by yiky84119
❤️ #16132 yarn build:weapp 报错, by xiaosu95
上周有 22 个 pull request 被创建、更新或 merge。
上周有 13 个 pull request 更新:
💛 #16150 chore(deps): bump expo-image-picker from 15.0.5 to 15.0.7, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #16149 chore(deps): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 6.21.0 to 7.17.0, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #16148 chore(deps): bump joi from 17.13.1 to 17.13.3, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #16147 chore(deps-dev): bump expo from 51.0.9 to 51.0.22, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #16146 chore(deps): bump @react-native/metro-babel-transformer from 0.73.15 to 0.74.85, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #16145 chore(deps): bump react-native-svg-transformer from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #16144 chore(deps): bump @babel/code-frame from 7.24.6 to 7.24.7, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #16143 chore(deps): bump loader-utils from 3.2.2 to 3.3.1, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #16142 chore(deps-dev): bump @types/tapable from 1.0.12 to 2.2.7, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #16128 fix: [H5] tab组件安全区域避让适配, by kongxiaojun
💛 #16092 fix: RichText组件selectable类型修改, by xm1769315774
💛 #16054 fix(types): 补充用户授权类型 - 蓝牙 - scope.bluetooth
, by anyesu
💛 #15143 修复百度小程序安装 html 插件时不渲染问题,优化其他问题, by qnnp-me
上周 merge 了 9 个 pull request:
💜 #16167 feat: 为京东小程序添加editor组件, by ZEJIA-LIU
💜 #16166 feat: 为jd小程序平台补充 editor 组件, by ZEJIA-LIU
💜 #16162 chore(release): publish 4.0.3, by liqinuo
💜 #16161 feat(sync): merge harmony, by ZEJIA-LIU
💜 #16157 feat(cli): 支持 create 传递framework,css和typescript并且调整 templateSource 的优先级, by ZEJIA-LIU
💜 #16153 fix: 小程序 vite vue3 的拆 chunks 修复, by ZEJIA-LIU
💜 #16152 feat(cli): 增加私有化模板不展示的逻辑, by koppthe
💜 #16140 feat: vite 小程序端的 chunks 拆分, by ZEJIA-LIU
💜 #16124 fix(taro-vite-runner): 修复 vite h5 dev & build 路径未转 posix 导致的异常, by weizs
上周共有 8 个 提交:
🛠️ feat: 为jd小程序平台补充 editor 组件 (#16166) by ZEJIA-LIU
🛠️ chore(release): publish 4.0.3 (#16162) by liqinuo
🛠️ feat(sync): merge harmony (#16161) by ZEJIA-LIU
🛠️ feat(cli): 支持 create 传递framework,css和typescript并且调整 templateSource 的优先级 (#16157) by ZEJIA-LIU
🛠️ fix(taro-vite-runner): 修复 vite h5 dev & build 路径未转 posix 导致的异常 (#16124) by weizs
🛠️ fix: 小程序 vite vue3 的拆 chunks 修复 (#16153) by ZEJIA-LIU
🛠️ feat(cli): 增加私有化模板不展示的逻辑 (#16152) by koppthe
🛠️ feat: vite 小程序端的 chunks 拆分 (#16140) by ZEJIA-LIU
上周共有 4 名独立贡献者:
👤 liqinuo
👤 weizs
👤 koppthe
上周获得了 41 个 star。它们分别来自于:
⭐ netcmcc | ⭐ floritange | ⭐ loxy2020 | ⭐ Gpia | ⭐ JohnBaffin | ⭐ CharlesEdwardClark | ⭐ shenzhongshan | ⭐ horizonzzzz | ⭐ laughy | ⭐ osiuan | ⭐ xuxing409 | ⭐ lucoo01 | ⭐ zengkun100 | ⭐ code142857 | ⭐ Yixin-Shen-1218 | ⭐ 418442040 | ⭐ WilliamMidWang | ⭐ TDSSSzero | ⭐ BrianBechtel | ⭐ Oaciqihz | ⭐ gunsluo | ⭐ zmwater3 | ⭐ execlx | ⭐ BlankXue | ⭐ SilenceConcentrate | ⭐ scott-atticus | ⭐ boiboif | ⭐ Somnusochi | ⭐ TadejPolajnar | ⭐ igwen6w | ⭐ G2-star | ⭐ Abhsnd | ⭐ bohanjun | ⭐ star-fx | ⭐ xcly01 | ⭐ tmsassassinsgi | ⭐ web-zhangpei | ⭐ Sunday2014 | ⭐ xzh0662 | ⭐ Super1Windcloud | ⭐ SuperZDev |
You all are the stars! 🌟
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