Julia client for NamSor API v2.
Please apply for your NamSor API key first. Then paste your api key at $HOME/.config/NAMSOR_KEY.txt
. Or save api key to NAMSOR_KEY
environment variable.
Before calling the NamSor interface, you need to initialize the corresponding NamSor API through init_api()
There are 7 API implementations. You need to initialize them to call the corresponding interfaces.
- AdminApi
- ChineseApi
- GeneralApi
- IndianApi
- JapaneseApi
- PersonalApi
- SocialApi
To confirm the API implementation corresponding to specific API Endpoints, please check API Endpoints.
For example, analyzes name "Julia Fox" to identify its country of origin.
julia> using NamSor
julia> personal_api = init_api(APIClient.PersonalApi)
julia> first(origin(personal_api,"Julia","Fox"))
"script": "LATIN",
"id": "0893c8d7-4f9e-4718-8946-d2fcdd7929a2",
"firstName": "Julia",
"lastName": "Fox",
"countryOrigin": "IE",
"countryOriginAlt": "GB",
"countriesOriginTop": [
"score": 2.994869283184946,
"regionOrigin": "Europe",
"topRegionOrigin": "Europe",
"subRegionOrigin": "Northern Europe",
"probabilityCalibrated": 0.5070530505259684,
"probabilityAltCalibrated": 0.8538791383744339
NamSor API v2 : enpoints to process personal names (gender, cultural origin or ethnicity) in all alphabets or languages. By default, enpoints use 1 unit per name (ex. Gender), but Ethnicity classification uses 10 to 20 units per name depending on taxonomy. Use GET methods for small tests, but prefer POST methods for higher throughput (batch processing of up to 100 names at a time). Need something you can't find here? We have many more features coming soon. Let us know, we'll do our best to add it!
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 2.0.29
- Generator version: 7.5.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JuliaClientCodegen For more information, please visit http://www.namsor.com/
Place the Julia files generated under the src
folder in your Julia project. Include APIClient.jl in the project code.
It would include the module named APIClient.
Documentation is generated as markdown files under the docs
folder. You can include them in your project documentation.
Documentation is also embedded in Julia which can be used with a Julia specific documentation generator.
Class | Method |
AdminApi | anonymize GET /api2/json/anonymize/{source}/{anonymized} Activate/deactivate anonymization for a source. |
AdminApi | anonymize1 GET /api2/json/anonymize/{source}/{anonymized}/{token} Activate/deactivate anonymization for a source. |
AdminApi | api_key_info GET /api2/json/apiKeyInfo Read API Key info. |
AdminApi | api_status GET /api2/json/apiStatus Prints the current status of the classifiers. A classifier name in apiStatus corresponds to a service name in apiServices. |
AdminApi | api_usage GET /api2/json/apiUsage Print current API usage. |
AdminApi | api_usage_history GET /api2/json/apiUsageHistory Print historical API usage. |
AdminApi | api_usage_history_aggregate GET /api2/json/apiUsageHistoryAggregate Print historical API usage (in an aggregated view, by service, by day/hour/min). |
AdminApi | available_services GET /api2/json/apiServices List of classification services and usage cost in Units per classification (default is 1=ONE Unit). Some API endpoints (ex. Corridor) combine multiple classifiers. |
AdminApi | disable GET /api2/json/disable/{source}/{disabled} Activate/deactivate an API Key. |
AdminApi | learnable GET /api2/json/learnable/{source}/{learnable}/{token} Activate/deactivate learning from a source. |
AdminApi | learnable1 GET /api2/json/learnable/{source}/{learnable} Activate/deactivate learning from a source. |
AdminApi | regions GET /api2/json/regions Print basic source statistics. |
AdminApi | software_version GET /api2/json/softwareVersion Get the current software version |
AdminApi | taxonomy_classes GET /api2/json/taxonomyClasses/{classifierName} Print the taxonomy classes valid for the given classifier. |
ChineseApi | chinese_name_candidates GET /api2/json/chineseNameCandidates/{chineseSurnameLatin}/{chineseGivenNameLatin} Identify Chinese name candidates, based on the romanized name ex. Wang Xiaoming |
ChineseApi | chinese_name_candidates_batch POST /api2/json/chineseNameCandidatesBatch Identify Chinese name candidates, based on the romanized name (firstName = chineseGivenName; lastName=chineseSurname), ex. Wang Xiaoming |
ChineseApi | chinese_name_candidates_gender_batch POST /api2/json/chineseNameCandidatesGenderBatch Identify Chinese name candidates, based on the romanized name (firstName = chineseGivenName; lastName=chineseSurname) ex. Wang Xiaoming. |
ChineseApi | chinese_name_gender_candidates GET /api2/json/chineseNameGenderCandidates/{chineseSurnameLatin}/{chineseGivenNameLatin}/{knownGender} Identify Chinese name candidates, based on the romanized name ex. Wang Xiaoming - having a known gender ('male' or 'female') |
ChineseApi | chinese_name_match GET /api2/json/chineseNameMatch/{chineseSurnameLatin}/{chineseGivenNameLatin}/{chineseName} Return a score for matching Chinese name ex. 王晓明 with a romanized name ex. Wang Xiaoming |
ChineseApi | chinese_name_match_batch POST /api2/json/chineseNameMatchBatch Identify Chinese name candidates, based on the romanized name (firstName = chineseGivenName; lastName=chineseSurname), ex. Wang Xiaoming |
ChineseApi | gender_chinese_name GET /api2/json/genderChineseName/{chineseName} Infer the likely gender of a Chinese full name ex. 王晓明 |
ChineseApi | gender_chinese_name_batch POST /api2/json/genderChineseNameBatch Infer the likely gender of up to 100 full names ex. 王晓明 |
ChineseApi | gender_chinese_name_pinyin GET /api2/json/genderChineseNamePinyin/{chineseSurnameLatin}/{chineseGivenNameLatin} Infer the likely gender of a Chinese name in LATIN (Pinyin). |
ChineseApi | gender_chinese_name_pinyin_batch POST /api2/json/genderChineseNamePinyinBatch Infer the likely gender of up to 100 Chinese names in LATIN (Pinyin). |
ChineseApi | parse_chinese_name GET /api2/json/parseChineseName/{chineseName} Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. 王晓明 -> 王(surname) 晓明(given name) |
ChineseApi | parse_chinese_name_batch POST /api2/json/parseChineseNameBatch Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. 王晓明 -> 王(surname) 晓明(given name). |
ChineseApi | pinyin_chinese_name GET /api2/json/pinyinChineseName/{chineseName} Romanize the Chinese name to Pinyin, ex. 王晓明 -> Wang (surname) Xiaoming (given name) |
ChineseApi | pinyin_chinese_name_batch POST /api2/json/pinyinChineseNameBatch Romanize a list of Chinese name to Pinyin, ex. 王晓明 -> Wang (surname) Xiaoming (given name). |
GeneralApi | name_type GET /api2/json/nameType/{properNoun} Infer the likely type of a proper noun (personal name, brand name, place name etc.) |
GeneralApi | name_type_batch POST /api2/json/nameTypeBatch Infer the likely common type of up to 100 proper nouns (personal name, brand name, place name etc.) |
GeneralApi | name_type_geo GET /api2/json/nameTypeGeo/{properNoun}/{countryIso2} Infer the likely type of a proper noun (personal name, brand name, place name etc.) |
GeneralApi | name_type_geo_batch POST /api2/json/nameTypeGeoBatch Infer the likely common type of up to 100 proper nouns (personal name, brand name, place name etc.) |
IndianApi | caste_indian_batch POST /api2/json/casteIndianBatch [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely Indian name caste of up to 100 personal Indian Hindu names. |
IndianApi | castegroup_indian GET /api2/json/castegroupIndian/{subDivisionIso31662}/{firstName}/{lastName} [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely Indian name castegroup of a first / last name. |
IndianApi | castegroup_indian_batch POST /api2/json/castegroupIndianBatch [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely Indian name castegroup of up to 100 personal first / last names. |
IndianApi | castegroup_indian_full GET /api2/json/castegroupIndianFull/{subDivisionIso31662}/{personalNameFull} [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely Indian name castegroup of a personal full name. |
IndianApi | castegroup_indian_full_batch POST /api2/json/castegroupIndianFullBatch [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely Indian name castegroup of up to 100 personal full names. |
IndianApi | castegroup_indian_hindu GET /api2/json/casteIndian/{subDivisionIso31662}/{firstName}/{lastName} [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely Indian name caste of a personal Hindu name. |
IndianApi | religion GET /api2/json/religionIndianFull/{subDivisionIso31662}/{personalNameFull} [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely religion of a personal Indian full name, provided the Indian state or Union territory (NB/ this can be inferred using the subclassification endpoint). |
IndianApi | religion1 GET /api2/json/religionIndian/{subDivisionIso31662}/{firstName}/{lastName} [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely religion of a personal Indian first/last name, provided the Indian state or Union territory (NB/ this can be inferred using the subclassification endpoint). |
IndianApi | religion_indian_batch POST /api2/json/religionIndianBatch [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely religion of up to 100 personal first/last Indian names, provided the subclassification at State or Union territory level (NB/ can be inferred using the subclassification endpoint). |
IndianApi | religion_indian_full_batch POST /api2/json/religionIndianFullBatch [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely religion of up to 100 personal full Indian names, provided the subclassification at State or Union territory level (NB/ can be inferred using the subclassification endpoint). |
IndianApi | subclassification_indian GET /api2/json/subclassificationIndian/{firstName}/{lastName} [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely Indian state of Union territory according to ISO 3166-2:IN based on the name. |
IndianApi | subclassification_indian_batch POST /api2/json/subclassificationIndianBatch [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely Indian state of Union territory according to ISO 3166-2:IN based on a list of up to 100 names. |
IndianApi | subclassification_indian_full GET /api2/json/subclassificationIndianFull/{fullName} [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely Indian state of Union territory according to ISO 3166-2:IN based on the name. |
IndianApi | subclassification_indian_full_batch POST /api2/json/subclassificationIndianFullBatch [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely Indian state of Union territory according to ISO 3166-2:IN based on a list of up to 100 names. |
JapaneseApi | gender_japanese_name_full GET /api2/json/genderJapaneseNameFull/{japaneseName} Infer the likely gender of a Japanese full name ex. 王晓明 |
JapaneseApi | gender_japanese_name_full_batch POST /api2/json/genderJapaneseNameFullBatch Infer the likely gender of up to 100 full names |
JapaneseApi | gender_japanese_name_pinyin GET /api2/json/genderJapaneseName/{japaneseSurname}/{japaneseGivenName} Infer the likely gender of a Japanese name in LATIN (Pinyin). |
JapaneseApi | gender_japanese_name_pinyin_batch POST /api2/json/genderJapaneseNameBatch Infer the likely gender of up to 100 Japanese names in LATIN (Pinyin). |
JapaneseApi | japanese_name_gender_kanji_candidates_batch POST /api2/json/japaneseNameGenderKanjiCandidatesBatch Identify japanese name candidates in KANJI, based on the romanized name (firstName = japaneseGivenName; lastName=japaneseSurname) with KNOWN gender, ex. Yamamoto Sanae |
JapaneseApi | japanese_name_kanji_candidates GET /api2/json/japaneseNameKanjiCandidates/{japaneseSurnameLatin}/{japaneseGivenNameLatin}/{knownGender} Identify japanese name candidates in KANJI, based on the romanized name ex. Yamamoto Sanae - and a known gender. |
JapaneseApi | japanese_name_kanji_candidates1 GET /api2/json/japaneseNameKanjiCandidates/{japaneseSurnameLatin}/{japaneseGivenNameLatin} Identify japanese name candidates in KANJI, based on the romanized name ex. Yamamoto Sanae |
JapaneseApi | japanese_name_kanji_candidates_batch POST /api2/json/japaneseNameKanjiCandidatesBatch Identify japanese name candidates in KANJI, based on the romanized name (firstName = japaneseGivenName; lastName=japaneseSurname), ex. Yamamoto Sanae |
JapaneseApi | japanese_name_latin_candidates GET /api2/json/japaneseNameLatinCandidates/{japaneseSurnameKanji}/{japaneseGivenNameKanji} Romanize japanese name, based on the name in Kanji. |
JapaneseApi | japanese_name_latin_candidates_batch POST /api2/json/japaneseNameLatinCandidatesBatch Romanize japanese names, based on the name in KANJI |
JapaneseApi | japanese_name_match GET /api2/json/japaneseNameMatch/{japaneseSurnameLatin}/{japaneseGivenNameLatin}/{japaneseName} Return a score for matching Japanese name in KANJI ex. 山本 早苗 with a romanized name ex. Yamamoto Sanae |
JapaneseApi | japanese_name_match_batch POST /api2/json/japaneseNameMatchBatch Return a score for matching a list of Japanese names in KANJI ex. 山本 早苗 with romanized names ex. Yamamoto Sanae |
JapaneseApi | japanese_name_match_feedback_loop GET /api2/json/japaneseNameMatchFeedbackLoop/{japaneseSurnameLatin}/{japaneseGivenNameLatin}/{japaneseName} [CREDITS 1 UNIT] Feedback loop to better perform matching Japanese name in KANJI ex. 山本 早苗 with a romanized name ex. Yamamoto Sanae |
JapaneseApi | parse_japanese_name GET /api2/json/parseJapaneseName/{japaneseName} Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. 山本 早苗 or Yamamoto Sanae |
JapaneseApi | parse_japanese_name_batch POST /api2/json/parseJapaneseNameBatch Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. 山本 早苗 or Yamamoto Sanae |
PersonalApi | community_engage GET /api2/json/communityEngage/{countryIso2}/{firstName}/{lastName} [USES 20 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely ethnicity/diaspora, country, gender of a personal name, given a country of residence ISO2 code (ex. US, CA, AU, NZ etc.) for community engagement (require special module/pricing) |
PersonalApi | community_engage_batch POST /api2/json/communityEngageBatch Infer the likely ethnicity/diaspora, country, gender of up to 100 personal names, given a country of residence ISO2 code (ex. US, CA, AU, NZ etc.) for community engagement (require special module/pricing) |
PersonalApi | community_engage_full GET /api2/json/communityEngageFull/{countryIso2}/{personalNameFull} [USES 20 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely ethnicity/diaspora, country, gender of a personal name, given a country of residence ISO2 code (ex. US, CA, AU, NZ etc.) for community engagement (require special module/pricing) |
PersonalApi | community_engage_full_batch POST /api2/json/communityEngageFullBatch Infer the likely ethnicity/diaspora, country, gender of up to 100 personal names, given a country of residence ISO2 code (ex. US, CA, AU, NZ etc.) for community engagement (require special module/pricing) |
PersonalApi | corridor GET /api2/json/corridor/{countryIso2From}/{firstNameFrom}/{lastNameFrom}/{countryIso2To}/{firstNameTo}/{lastNameTo} [USES 20 UNITS PER NAME COUPLE] Infer several classifications for a cross border interaction between names (ex. remit, travel, intl com) |
PersonalApi | corridor_batch POST /api2/json/corridorBatch [USES 20 UNITS PER NAME PAIR] Infer several classifications for up to 100 cross border interaction between names (ex. remit, travel, intl com) |
PersonalApi | country GET /api2/json/country/{personalNameFull} [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country of residence of a personal full name, or one surname. Assumes names as they are in the country of residence OR the country of origin. |
PersonalApi | country_batch POST /api2/json/countryBatch [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country of residence of up to 100 personal full names, or surnames. Assumes names as they are in the country of residence OR the country of origin. |
PersonalApi | country_fn_ln GET /api2/json/countryFnLn/{firstName}/{lastName} [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country of residence of a personal first / last name, or one surname. Assumes names as they are in the country of residence OR the country of origin. |
PersonalApi | country_fn_ln_batch POST /api2/json/countryFnLnBatch [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country of residence of up to 100 personal first / last names, or surnames. Assumes names as they are in the country of residence OR the country of origin. |
PersonalApi | diaspora GET /api2/json/diaspora/{countryIso2}/{firstName}/{lastName} [USES 20 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely ethnicity/diaspora of a personal name, given a country of residence ISO2 code (ex. US, CA, AU, NZ etc.) |
PersonalApi | diaspora_batch POST /api2/json/diasporaBatch [USES 20 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely ethnicity/diaspora of up to 100 personal names, given a country of residence ISO2 code (ex. US, CA, AU, NZ etc.) |
PersonalApi | diaspora_full GET /api2/json/diasporaFull/{countryIso2}/{personalNameFull} [USES 20 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely ethnicity/diaspora of a personal name, given a country of residence ISO2 code (ex. US, CA, AU, NZ etc.) |
PersonalApi | diaspora_full_batch POST /api2/json/diasporaFullBatch [USES 20 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely ethnicity/diaspora of up to 100 personal names, given a country of residence ISO2 code (ex. US, CA, AU, NZ etc.) |
PersonalApi | gender GET /api2/json/gender/{firstName} Infer the likely gender of a just a fiven name, assuming default 'US' local context. Please use preferably full names and local geographic context for better accuracy. |
PersonalApi | gender1 GET /api2/json/gender/{firstName}/{lastName} Infer the likely gender of a name. |
PersonalApi | gender_batch POST /api2/json/genderBatch Infer the likely gender of up to 100 names, detecting automatically the cultural context. |
PersonalApi | gender_full GET /api2/json/genderFull/{fullName} Infer the likely gender of a full name, ex. John H. Smith |
PersonalApi | gender_full_batch POST /api2/json/genderFullBatch Infer the likely gender of up to 100 full names, detecting automatically the cultural context. |
PersonalApi | gender_full_geo GET /api2/json/genderFullGeo/{fullName}/{countryIso2} Infer the likely gender of a full name, given a local context (ISO2 country code). |
PersonalApi | gender_full_geo_batch POST /api2/json/genderFullGeoBatch Infer the likely gender of up to 100 full names, with a given cultural context (country ISO2 code). |
PersonalApi | gender_geo GET /api2/json/genderGeo/{firstName}/{lastName}/{countryIso2} Infer the likely gender of a name, given a local context (ISO2 country code). |
PersonalApi | gender_geo_batch POST /api2/json/genderGeoBatch Infer the likely gender of up to 100 names, each given a local context (ISO2 country code). |
PersonalApi | origin GET /api2/json/origin/{firstName}/{lastName} [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country of origin of a personal name. Assumes names as they are in the country of origin. For US, CA, AU, NZ and other melting-pots : use 'diaspora' instead. |
PersonalApi | origin_batch POST /api2/json/originBatch [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country of origin of up to 100 names, detecting automatically the cultural context. |
PersonalApi | origin_full GET /api2/json/originFull/{personalNameFull} [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country of origin of a personal name. Assumes names as they are in the country of origin. For US, CA, AU, NZ and other melting-pots : use 'diaspora' instead. |
PersonalApi | origin_full_batch POST /api2/json/originFullBatch [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country of origin of up to 100 names, detecting automatically the cultural context. |
PersonalApi | parse_name GET /api2/json/parseName/{nameFull} Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. John Smith or SMITH, John or SMITH; John. |
PersonalApi | parse_name_batch POST /api2/json/parseNameBatch Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. John Smith or SMITH, John or SMITH; John. |
PersonalApi | parse_name_geo GET /api2/json/parseName/{nameFull}/{countryIso2} Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. John Smith or SMITH, John or SMITH; John. For better accuracy, provide a geographic context. |
PersonalApi | parse_name_geo_batch POST /api2/json/parseNameGeoBatch Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. John Smith or SMITH, John or SMITH; John. Giving a local context improves precision. |
PersonalApi | religion2 GET /api2/json/religion/{countryIso2}/{subDivisionIso31662}/{firstName}/{lastName} [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely religion of a personal first/last name. NB: only for INDIA (as of current version). |
PersonalApi | religion_batch POST /api2/json/religionBatch [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely religion of up to 100 personal first/last names. NB: only for India as of currently. |
PersonalApi | religion_full GET /api2/json/religionFull/{countryIso2}/{subDivisionIso31662}/{personalNameFull} [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely religion of a personal full name. NB: only for INDIA (as of current version). |
PersonalApi | religion_full_batch POST /api2/json/religionFullBatch [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely religion of up to 100 personal full names. NB: only for India as of currently. |
PersonalApi | subclassification GET /api2/json/subclassification/{countryIso2}/{firstName}/{lastName} [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely origin of a name at a country subclassification level (state or regeion). Initially, this is only supported for India (ISO2 code 'IN'). |
PersonalApi | subclassification_batch POST /api2/json/subclassificationBatch [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely origin of a list of up to 100 names at a country subclassification level (state or regeion). Initially, this is only supported for India (ISO2 code 'IN'). |
PersonalApi | subclassification_full GET /api2/json/subclassificationFull/{countryIso2}/{fullName} [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely origin of a name at a country subclassification level (state or regeion). Initially, this is only supported for India (ISO2 code 'IN'). |
PersonalApi | subclassification_full_batch POST /api2/json/subclassificationFullBatch [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely origin of a list of up to 100 names at a country subclassification level (state or regeion). Initially, this is only supported for India (ISO2 code 'IN'). |
PersonalApi | us_race_ethnicity GET /api2/json/usRaceEthnicity/{firstName}/{lastName} [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer a US resident's likely race/ethnicity according to US Census taxonomy W_NL (white, non latino), HL (hispano latino), A (asian, non latino), B_NL (black, non latino). Optionally add header X-OPTION-USRACEETHNICITY-TAXONOMY: USRACEETHNICITY-6CLASSES for two additional classes, AI_AN (American Indian or Alaskan Native) and PI (Pacific Islander). |
PersonalApi | us_race_ethnicity_batch POST /api2/json/usRaceEthnicityBatch [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer up-to 100 US resident's likely race/ethnicity according to US Census taxonomy. Output is W_NL (white, non latino), HL (hispano latino), A (asian, non latino), B_NL (black, non latino). Optionally add header X-OPTION-USRACEETHNICITY-TAXONOMY: USRACEETHNICITY-6CLASSES for two additional classes, AI_AN (American Indian or Alaskan Native) and PI (Pacific Islander). |
PersonalApi | us_race_ethnicity_full GET /api2/json/usRaceEthnicityFull/{personalNameFull} [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer a US resident's likely race/ethnicity according to US Census taxonomy W_NL (white, non latino), HL (hispano latino), A (asian, non latino), B_NL (black, non latino). Optionally add header X-OPTION-USRACEETHNICITY-TAXONOMY: USRACEETHNICITY-6CLASSES for two additional classes, AI_AN (American Indian or Alaskan Native) and PI (Pacific Islander). |
PersonalApi | us_race_ethnicity_full_batch POST /api2/json/usRaceEthnicityFullBatch [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer up-to 100 US resident's likely race/ethnicity according to US Census taxonomy. Output is W_NL (white, non latino), HL (hispano latino), A (asian, non latino), B_NL (black, non latino). Optionally add header X-OPTION-USRACEETHNICITY-TAXONOMY: USRACEETHNICITY-6CLASSES for two additional classes, AI_AN (American Indian or Alaskan Native) and PI (Pacific Islander). |
PersonalApi | us_race_ethnicity_z_i_p5 GET /api2/json/usRaceEthnicityZIP5/{firstName}/{lastName}/{zip5Code} [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer a US resident's likely race/ethnicity according to US Census taxonomy, using (optional) ZIP5 code info. Output is W_NL (white, non latino), HL (hispano latino), A (asian, non latino), B_NL (black, non latino). Optionally add header X-OPTION-USRACEETHNICITY-TAXONOMY: USRACEETHNICITY-6CLASSES for two additional classes, AI_AN (American Indian or Alaskan Native) and PI (Pacific Islander). |
PersonalApi | us_zip_race_ethnicity_batch POST /api2/json/usZipRaceEthnicityBatch [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer up-to 100 US resident's likely race/ethnicity according to US Census taxonomy, with (optional) ZIP code. Output is W_NL (white, non latino), HL (hispano latino), A (asian, non latino), B_NL (black, non latino). Optionally add header X-OPTION-USRACEETHNICITY-TAXONOMY: USRACEETHNICITY-6CLASSES for two additional classes, AI_AN (American Indian or Alaskan Native) and PI (Pacific Islander). |
SocialApi | phone_code GET /api2/json/phoneCode/{firstName}/{lastName}/{phoneNumber} [USES 11 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country and phone prefix, given a personal name and formatted / unformatted phone number. |
SocialApi | phone_code_batch POST /api2/json/phoneCodeBatch [USES 11 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country and phone prefix, of up to 100 personal names, detecting automatically the local context given a name and formatted / unformatted phone number. |
SocialApi | phone_code_geo GET /api2/json/phoneCodeGeo/{firstName}/{lastName}/{phoneNumber}/{countryIso2} [USES 11 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely phone prefix, given a personal name and formatted / unformatted phone number, with a local context (ISO2 country of residence). |
SocialApi | phone_code_geo_batch POST /api2/json/phoneCodeGeoBatch [USES 11 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country and phone prefix, of up to 100 personal names, with a local context (ISO2 country of residence). |
SocialApi | phone_code_geo_feedback_loop GET /api2/json/phoneCodeGeoFeedbackLoop/{firstName}/{lastName}/{phoneNumber}/{phoneNumberE164}/{countryIso2} [CREDITS 1 UNIT] Feedback loop to better infer the likely phone prefix, given a personal name and formatted / unformatted phone number, with a local context (ISO2 country of residence). |
- APIBillingPeriodUsageOut
- APIClassifierOut
- APIClassifierTaxonomyOut
- APIClassifiersStatusOut
- APICounterV2Out
- APIKeyOut
- APIPeriodUsageOut
- APIPlanSubscriptionOut
- APIServiceOut
- APIServicesOut
- APIUsageAggregatedOut
- APIUsageHistoryOut
- BatchCommunityEngageFullOut
- BatchCommunityEngageOut
- BatchCorridorIn
- BatchCorridorOut
- BatchFirstLastNameCasteOut
- BatchFirstLastNameCastegroupOut
- BatchFirstLastNameDiasporaedOut
- BatchFirstLastNameGenderIn
- BatchFirstLastNameGenderedOut
- BatchFirstLastNameGeoIn
- BatchFirstLastNameGeoOut
- BatchFirstLastNameGeoSubclassificationOut
- BatchFirstLastNameGeoSubdivisionIn
- BatchFirstLastNameGeoZippedIn
- BatchFirstLastNameIn
- BatchFirstLastNameOriginedOut
- BatchFirstLastNamePhoneCodedOut
- BatchFirstLastNamePhoneNumberGeoIn
- BatchFirstLastNamePhoneNumberIn
- BatchFirstLastNameReligionedOut
- BatchFirstLastNameSubdivisionIn
- BatchFirstLastNameUSRaceEthnicityOut
- BatchMatchPersonalFirstLastNameIn
- BatchNameGeoIn
- BatchNameIn
- BatchNameMatchCandidatesOut
- BatchNameMatchedOut
- BatchPersonalNameCastegroupOut
- BatchPersonalNameDiasporaedOut
- BatchPersonalNameGenderedOut
- BatchPersonalNameGeoIn
- BatchPersonalNameGeoOut
- BatchPersonalNameGeoSubclassificationOut
- BatchPersonalNameGeoSubdivisionIn
- BatchPersonalNameIn
- BatchPersonalNameOriginedOut
- BatchPersonalNameParsedOut
- BatchPersonalNameReligionedOut
- BatchPersonalNameSubdivisionIn
- BatchPersonalNameUSRaceEthnicityOut
- BatchProperNounCategorizedOut
- CommunityEngageOptionOut
- CommunityEngageOut
- CorridorIn
- CorridorOut
- FeedbackLoopOut
- FirstLastNameCasteOut
- FirstLastNameCastegroupOut
- FirstLastNameDiasporaedOut
- FirstLastNameGenderIn
- FirstLastNameGenderedOut
- FirstLastNameGeoIn
- FirstLastNameGeoOut
- FirstLastNameGeoSubclassificationOut
- FirstLastNameGeoSubdivisionIn
- FirstLastNameGeoZippedIn
- FirstLastNameIn
- FirstLastNameOriginedOut
- FirstLastNameOut
- FirstLastNamePhoneCodedOut
- FirstLastNamePhoneNumberGeoIn
- FirstLastNamePhoneNumberIn
- FirstLastNameReligionedOut
- FirstLastNameSubdivisionIn
- FirstLastNameUSRaceEthnicityOut
- MatchPersonalFirstLastNameIn
- NameGeoIn
- NameIn
- NameMatchCandidateOut
- NameMatchCandidatesOut
- NameMatchedOut
- PersonalNameCastegroupOut
- PersonalNameDiasporaedOut
- PersonalNameGenderedOut
- PersonalNameGeoIn
- PersonalNameGeoOut
- PersonalNameGeoSubclassificationOut
- PersonalNameGeoSubdivisionIn
- PersonalNameIn
- PersonalNameOriginedOut
- PersonalNameParsedOut
- PersonalNameReligionedOut
- PersonalNameSubdivisionIn
- PersonalNameUSRaceEthnicityOut
- ProperNounCategorizedOut
- RegionISO
- RegionOut
- ReligionStatOut
- SoftwareVersionOut
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: API key
using OpenAPI
using OpenAPI.Clients
import OpenAPI.Clients: Client
client = Client(server_uri)
api = MyApi(client)
result = callApi(api, args...; api_key)