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NeoLoad Xray Integration

This project is aimed to integrate NeoLoad into Xray, giving users the ability to track performance testing results in Jira. This project has 2 disctinct components :

  • XrayContext : Custom action to add in NeoLoad to send the Project Context to NeoLoad Web.
  • WebhookHandler : Service that will receive the NeoLoad Web Test end notification ( through WebHook)


This custom action will allow you to add all the project information required in XRAY :

  • Project (Required) : Project key in Jira/Xray
  • Version (Optional): Version of the application in Jira/Xray
  • Revision (Optional) : Revision number
  • TestPlan (Optional) : Test Plan issue key
  • Tags (Optional) : Tags to add as labels in the Test in Xray/Jira, or to reference existing requirement or Test
  • FixVersions (Optional) : Version of the project in Xray/Jira
  • Environment (Optional) : Test Environment of the test results
  • CustomFields (Optional) : CustomFields required to import tests results in Xray/Jira

Depending on the settings of your Xray Projet, you would have to precize more or less fields . The customFields is a Json object containing a Map key,value of all the custom properties required to import a test results in Jira.

XrayContext will update the test results in NeoLoad web with all the information required to be able to import a NeoLoad web test in Xray/Jira

Property Value
Maturity Experimental
Author Neotys Partner Team
License BSD Simplified
NeoLoad 7.0 (Enterprise or Professional Edition w/ Integration & Advanced Usage and NeoLoad Web option required)
Requirements NeoLoad Web
Bundled in NeoLoad No
Download Binaries


  1. Download the latest release for NeoLoad from version 7.0
  2. Read the NeoLoad documentation to see How to install a custom Advanced Action.

XrayContext Advanced Action

NeoLoad Set-up

Once installed, how to use in a given NeoLoad project:

  1. Create a XrayContext User Path.
  2. Insert XrayContext in the Action block.

XrayContext User Path

1. Create a `XrayContext` User Path. 1. Insert `XrayContext` in the `Init` block.

XrayContext User Path

  1. Create a NeoLoad Population Xraycontext having only the userPath XrayContext

XrayContext Population

1. Create a NeoLoad Scenario Using your population and the Xray Population The XrayContext Population would need to be added to your NeoLoad scenario with the following settings : * Duration : iteration * Load Policy : Constant : 1 user doing 1 iteration

XrayContext scenario

Parameters for XrayContext

Name Description
Project Identifier of your project key in Jira
Version (Optional) Version of the project
Revision (optional) Revision number
TestPlan (Optional) Test Plan issue key to link the results (i.e. Test Execution) to
Tags (Optional) Tags to add as labels in the Test in Jira. Format : tag1,tag2,...,etc.
If the tag references a performance-related requirement issue by its key, a link will be created between the Test and the requirement.
If the tag references an existing Test by its key, then results will be reported against the given Test.
FixVersions (Optional) Version of the project in Jira
Environment (Optional) Test Environment of the test results
CustomFields (Optional) JsonObject with all the required custom fields required to import test results in Jira

WebHook Handler


The webhook handler is a web service package in a container : neotyspartnersolution/neoload_xrayresultsync The container will required different type of Environment variables depending if you are using :

  1. Jira Cloud
  2. Jira On premise

Jira Cloud

To be able to import NeoLoad test results you will need to specify :

  • NL_WEB_HOST: Hostname of the webui of NeoLoad WEB
  • NL_API_HOST : Hostname of the rest-api of NeoLoad WEB
  • NL_API_TOKEN : API token of NeoLoad WEB ( how to generate an API token)
  • PORT : Port that the service will listen to
  • logging-level : Logging level of the service ( DEBUG, INFO, ERROR)
  • CloudWebHostname : Hostname of the Webui of your Jira Cloud Environment
  • CloudPort : Port of the Jira Cloud environment
  • CloudAPIHostname : Hostname of the API of Xray on Jira CLoud
  • client_id
  • client_secret
  • ssl : True or false
  • CustomFieldRevision ( Optional ) : if you Jira Environment requires to precise the Revision number on your test results. You will need to specify the id of the custom field corresponding to Revision

Jira On Premise

To be able to import NeoLoad test results you will need to specify :

  • NL_WEB_HOST: Hostname of the webui of NeoLoad WEB
  • NL_API_HOST : Hostname of the rest-api of NeoLoad WEB
  • NL_API_TOKEN : API token of NeoLoad WEB
  • PORT : Port that the service will listen to
  • logging-level : Logging level of the service ( DEBUG, INFO, ERROR)
  • ManagedWebHostname : Hostname of the Webui of your Jira Cloud Environment
  • ManagedPort : Port of the Jira Cloud environment
  • ManagedAPIHostname : Hostname of the API of Xray on Jira CLoud
  • user
  • password
  • ssl : True or false
  • CustomFieldRevision ( Optional ) : if you Jira Environment requires to precise the Revision number on your test results. You will need to specify the id of the custom field corresponding to Revision
  • CustomFieldEnvironement (Optional) : if you Jira Environment requires to precise the Test Environment to publish test results. You will need to specify the id of the custom field Test Environments
  • CustomFieldTestPlan (Optional) : if you Jira Environment requires to precise the Test Plan to publish a test results. You will need to specify the id of the custom field Test Plan

Run the webhookHandler

Requirements : Server having :

  • docker installed
  • acessible from NeoLoad WEB ( Saas our your managemend instance of NeoLoad WEB)

The deployment will use either :

  • /deployment/docker-compose-Cloud to connect to Jira Cloud
  • /deployment/docker-compose-Onpremise to connect to your Jira on premise instance

Make sure to update the docker-compose file by specifying the Environment variables.

the deployment will be done by running the following command :

docker-compose -f <docker file> up -d

If you need pass thought a proxy to contact jira. You can use environment variable https_proxy=http://login:pass@myproxy:3124 You can add this line under environment docker-compose file.

Configure the WebHook in your NeoLoad Web Account to send a notification to your WebHook service

The webhookhandler service is listenning to 2 disctinct endpoints :

  • /health : Get request build to check if the webhookhandler is up
  • /webhook : POST request to receive the webhook from NeoLoad WEB

The Webhookhandler is expecting the following Json Payload :

	"testid" : "TESTID",
	"url_graph_overview":"URL TO the GRAPH global overview of the test",
	"maxvu" :"MAX number of VU"

To configure the webhook in NeoLoad WEB you will need to :

  1. Connect to NeoLoad WEB
  2. Click on
  3. Click On the TAB named WebHook
  4. Create a new Webhook ( How to create a webhook)
  5. URL of the webhook : http://:8080/webhook
  6. Events : Test ended
  7. Payload :
            "testid": "$(test_result_id)",
            "url_graph_overview": "$(url_graph_overview)",
            "maxvu" : "$(test_max_nb_vus)"

XrayContext webhok