yarn and Node 20+. These may be installed as follows:
# nvm
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.7/install.sh | bash
source ~/.bashrc # Update bash terminal so we can use the command `nvm`.
# npm
nvm install 20
# yarn
corepack enable
yarn set version stable
yarn install
git clone git@github.com:NebraZKP/demo-app.git && cd demo-app/core
# Build demo-app
yarn build
# Make sure demo-app binary is in node_modules/.bin
# Set up demo-app commands in shell
source scripts/shell_setup.sh
# Use upa local to generate a key
upa local ethkeygen --keyfile keyfilename.key
Use a faucet such as www.sepoliafaucet.com to fund your address with sepolia ETH.
# Submit a solution along with a proof
demo-app submit --keyfile keyfilename.key
The last command will print a link to the proof's status on NEBRA's proof explorer. The proof should be either verified or pending verification.
$ upa stats
$ demo-app get-state