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mutability committed Oct 14, 2016
2 parents 4cb17c1 + 2b47fe5 commit d3fad32
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Showing 6 changed files with 236 additions and 13 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions dump1090.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -195,6 +195,10 @@ typedef enum {
} sil_type_t;

typedef enum {
} cpr_type_t;

#define MODES_NON_ICAO_ADDRESS (1<<24) // Set on addresses to indicate they are not ICAO addresses

#define MODES_DEBUG_DEMOD (1<<0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -455,6 +459,7 @@ struct modesMessage {
// valid if category_valid
unsigned category; // A0 - D7 encoded as a single hex byte
// valid if cpr_valid
cpr_type_t cpr_type; // The encoding type used (surface, airborne, coarse TIS-B)
unsigned cpr_lat; // Non decoded latitude.
unsigned cpr_lon; // Non decoded longitude.
unsigned cpr_nucp; // NUCp/NIC value implied by message type
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion interactive.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ static int convert_altitude(int ft)
static int convert_speed(int kts)
if (Modes.metric)
return (kts / 1.852);
return (kts * 1.852);
return kts;
Expand Down
22 changes: 18 additions & 4 deletions mode_s.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -903,6 +903,7 @@ static void decodeESSurfacePosition(struct modesMessage *mm, int check_imf)
mm->cpr_odd = getbit(me, 22);
mm->cpr_nucp = (14 - mm->metype);
mm->cpr_valid = 1;
mm->cpr_type = CPR_SURFACE;

unsigned movement = getbits(me, 6, 12);
if (movement > 0 && movement < 125) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -948,6 +949,7 @@ static void decodeESAirbornePosition(struct modesMessage *mm, int check_imf)
} else {
// Otherwise, assume it's valid.
mm->cpr_valid = 1;
mm->cpr_type = CPR_AIRBORNE;
mm->cpr_odd = getbit(me, 22);

if (mm->metype == 18 || mm->metype == 22)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1388,6 +1390,19 @@ static const char *addrtype_to_string(addrtype_t type) {

static const char *cpr_type_to_string(cpr_type_t type) {
switch (type) {
return "Surface";
return "Airborne";
return "TIS-B Coarse";
return "unknown CPR type";

static void print_hex_bytes(unsigned char *data, size_t len) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1678,12 +1693,11 @@ void displayModesMessage(struct modesMessage *mm) {

if (mm->msgtype == 17 || mm->msgtype == 18) {

if (mm->cpr_valid) {
printf(" CPR odd flag: %s\n"
printf(" CPR type: %s\n"
" CPR odd flag: %s\n"
" CPR NUCp/NIC: %u\n",
mm->cpr_odd ? "odd" : "even",

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204 changes: 204 additions & 0 deletions tools/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Regression testing helper: takes a 3.0.5 port-30003 output file
# and a 3.1.0 port-30003 output file and generates a diff, after
# dealing with the known formatting / data differences

import csv
from contextlib import closing


def fuzzy_match_details(l1, l2):
_, _, type1, _, _, addr1, _, _, _, _, _, cs1, alt1, gs1, hdg1, lat1, lon1, vr1, sq1, change1, emerg1, spi1, aog1 = l1
_, _, type2, _, _, addr2, _, _, _, _, _, cs2, alt2, gs2, hdg2, lat2, lon2, vr2, sq2, change2, emerg2, spi2, aog2 = l2

if addr1 != addr2:
return (False, 'adr')

if type1 != type2:
# 3.0.5: reports DF17 surface/airborne with no position as type 7
# 3.1.0: reports DF17 surface/airborne with no position as type 2/3
if type1 != '7':
return (False, 'typ')
if type2 != '2' and type2 != '3':
return (False, 'typ')
if lat1 != '' or lon1 != '':
return (False, 'typ')

if alt1 != alt2:
# 3.0.5: omits altitude in DF17 if no position was decoded
# 3.1.0: includes it
if type1 != '7' or alt1 != '' or alt2 == '':
return (False, 'alt')

if gs1 != gs2:
# 3.0.5: truncates computed GS
# 3.1.0: rounds computed GS
if gs1 == '' or gs2 == '' or abs(int(gs1) - int(gs2)) > 1:
return (False, 'gs ')
if hdg1 != hdg2:
# 3.0.5: truncates computed heading
# 3.1.0: rounds computed heading
if hdg1 == '' or hdg2 == '':
return (False, 'hdg')
delta = abs(int(hdg1) - int(hdg2))
if delta > 180:
delta = 360 - delta
if delta > 1:
return False

if lat1 != lat2:
return (False, 'lat')
if lon1 != lon2:
return (False, 'lon')
if vr1 != vr2:
return (False, 'vr ')

if sq1 != sq2:
# 3.0.5: strips leading zeros
# 3.1.0: preserves leading zeros
if ('0' + sq1) != sq2 and ('00' + sq1) != sq2 and ('000' + sq1) != sq2:
return (False, 'sqk')

# 3.1.0: only reports these when available
if change1 != change2:
if change1 != '0' or change2 != '':
return (False, 'chg')
if emerg1 != emerg2:
if emerg1 != '0' or emerg2 != '':
return (False, 'emg')
if spi1 != spi2:
if spi1 != '0' or spi2 != '':
return (False, 'spi')

if aog1 != aog2:
# 3.1.0: different rules for when AOG is reported
if aog1 != '' and aog2 != '':
return (False, 'aog')

return (True, None)

def fuzzy_match(l1, l2):
return fuzzy_match_details(l1, l2)[0]

def fuzzy_match_reason(l1, l2):
return fuzzy_match_details(l1, l2)[1]

def next_line(reader, queue):
if queue:
return queue.pop()
line = next(reader, None)
if line is None or len(line) == 0:
return None
return [reader.line_num] + line

def unpush_line(queue, line):
queue.insert(0, line)

def csv_diff(path1, path2):
diffs = []
q1 = []
q2 = []

with closing(open(path1, 'r')) as f1, closing(open(path2, 'r')) as f2:
r1 = csv.reader(f1)
r2 = csv.reader(f2)

l1 = next_line(r1, q1)
l2 = next_line(r2, q2)

while (l1 is not None) or (l2 is not None):
if l1 is None:
yield ('+', None, l2)
l2 = next_line(r2, q2)

if l2 is None:
yield ('-', l1, None)
l1 = next_line(r1, q1)

if fuzzy_match(l1, l2):
yield (' ', l1, l2)
l1 = next_line(r1, q1)
l2 = next_line(r2, q2)

#print('mismatch:', l1, l2)

save_1 = []
save_2 = []

found = False
for i in range(horizon):
next_l2 = next_line(r2, q2)
if next_l2 is not None:
if fuzzy_match(l1, next_l2):
# skip l2 and any lines in save_2
# continue with l1 and next_l2
yield('+', None, l2)
for l in save_2:
yield('+', None, l)
l2 = next_l2
found = True

next_l1 = next_line(r1, q1)
if next_l1 is not None:
if fuzzy_match(next_l1, l2):
# skip l1 and any lines in save_1
# continue with next_l1 and l2
yield('-', l1, None)
for l in save_1:
yield('-', l, None)
l1 = next_l1
found = True

if found:
#print('new l1:', l1)
#print('new l2:', l2)
#print('new q1:')
#for q in q1: print(q)
#print('new q2:')
#for q in q2: print(q)

#print('lookahead: nothing likely')

yield ('*', l1, l2)
l1 = next_line(r1, q1)
l2 = next_line(r1, q2)

def format_line(line):
line_num = line[0]
subrow = line[1:3] + line[5:6] + line[11:]
return str(line_num) + ': ' + ','.join(subrow)

if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
for action, old, new in csv_diff(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]):
if action == ' ':
if False: print (' ' + format_line(new))
elif action == '*':
reason = fuzzy_match_reason(old, new)
print ('< ' + reason + ' ' + format_line(old))
print ('> ' + reason + ' ' + format_line(new))
elif action == '-':
# 3.0.5: emits lines for all-zero messages
# 3.1.0: doesn't
if old[5] != '000000':
print ('- ' + format_line(old))
elif action == '+':
print ('+ ' + format_line(new))
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions track.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ static int doGlobalCPR(struct aircraft *a, struct modesMessage *mm, uint64_t now
int result;
int fflag = mm->cpr_odd;
int surface = (mm->airground == AG_GROUND);
int surface = (mm->cpr_type == CPR_SURFACE);

*nuc = (a->cpr_even_nuc < a->cpr_odd_nuc ? a->cpr_even_nuc : a->cpr_odd_nuc); // worst of the two positions

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ static int doLocalCPR(struct aircraft *a, struct modesMessage *mm, uint64_t now,
double range_limit = 0;
int result;
int fflag = mm->cpr_odd;
int surface = (mm->airground == AG_GROUND);
int surface = (mm->cpr_type == CPR_SURFACE);

*nuc = mm->cpr_nucp;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ static void updatePosition(struct aircraft *a, struct modesMessage *mm, uint64_t
unsigned new_nuc = 0;
int surface;

surface = (mm->airground == AG_GROUND);
surface = (mm->cpr_type == CPR_SURFACE);

if (surface) {
Expand All @@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ static void updatePosition(struct aircraft *a, struct modesMessage *mm, uint64_t
// If we have enough recent data, try global CPR
if (trackDataValid(&a->cpr_odd_valid) && trackDataValid(&a->cpr_even_valid) &&
a->cpr_odd_valid.source == a->cpr_even_valid.source &&
a->cpr_odd_airground == a->cpr_even_airground &&
a->cpr_odd_type == a->cpr_even_type &&
time_between(a->cpr_odd_valid.updated, a->cpr_even_valid.updated) <= max_elapsed) {

location_result = doGlobalCPR(a, mm, now, &new_lat, &new_lon, &new_nuc);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -609,15 +609,15 @@ struct aircraft *trackUpdateFromMessage(struct modesMessage *mm)

// CPR, even
if (mm->cpr_valid && !mm->cpr_odd && accept_data(&a->cpr_even_valid, mm->source, now)) {
a->cpr_even_airground = mm->airground;
a->cpr_even_type = mm->cpr_type;
a->cpr_even_lat = mm->cpr_lat;
a->cpr_even_lon = mm->cpr_lon;
a->cpr_even_nuc = mm->cpr_nucp;

// CPR, odd
if (mm->cpr_valid && mm->cpr_odd && accept_data(&a->cpr_odd_valid, mm->source, now)) {
a->cpr_odd_airground = mm->airground;
a->cpr_odd_type = mm->cpr_type;
a->cpr_odd_lat = mm->cpr_lat;
a->cpr_odd_lon = mm->cpr_lon;
a->cpr_odd_nuc = mm->cpr_nucp;
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions track.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,13 +123,13 @@ struct aircraft {
airground_t airground; // air/ground status

data_validity cpr_odd_valid; // Last seen even CPR message
airground_t cpr_odd_airground;
cpr_type_t cpr_odd_type;
unsigned cpr_odd_lat;
unsigned cpr_odd_lon;
unsigned cpr_odd_nuc;

data_validity cpr_even_valid; // Last seen odd CPR message
airground_t cpr_even_airground;
cpr_type_t cpr_even_type;
unsigned cpr_even_lat;
unsigned cpr_even_lon;
unsigned cpr_even_nuc;
Expand Down

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