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docs: add documentation for xgrid (#1428)
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nikizadehgfdl authored Jan 4, 2024
1 parent c0d3845 commit 085c6bf
Showing 1 changed file with 46 additions and 2 deletions.
48 changes: 46 additions & 2 deletions exchange/xgrid.F90
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Expand Up @@ -2899,6 +2899,25 @@ end subroutine set_comm_put1

!> @brief Regenerate/Update the xmap
!! @details This subroutine basically regenerates the exchange grid via updating the xmap.
!! Practically xmap is the object specifying the exchange grid and has all the relevant information of Xgrid.
!! Particularly note that regenerating the xmap/Xgrid accounts for dynamical changes of the subgrid parametrization
!! of the side 2 components (land and ice-ocean).
!! E.g., for when side 2 is the ice , the xgrid is regenrated so that
!! OCN grid cells that are partially or totally open water contribute to (are side2 parent of) the Xgrid
!! and conversely
!! OCN grid cells that are totally ice covered do not contribute to (are kicked out of) the Xgrid.
!! This makes xmap a dynamical object and a powerful tool for flux exchange calculations.
!! Things to keep in mind about xmap/xgrid:
!! xgrid contains two sides:
!! side1: This is the side where 2d arrays are put to and get from the Xgrid
!! side2: This is the side where 3d arrays are put to and get from the Xgrid.
!! This was designed to enable exchange along sub-grid-scale (3rd dimension) for component models that have
!! subgrid scale parametrization (e.g., seaice categories and land tiles).
!! @param[inout] xmap exchange grid
subroutine regen(xmap)
type (xmap_type), intent(inout) :: xmap

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3105,8 +3124,33 @@ subroutine regen(xmap)
end subroutine regen


!> @brief Changes sub-grid portion areas and/or number.
!! @details (re)sets the "fraction area" of the side 2 component grid cell.
!! "fraction area" is a dynamic property of the component model (seaice or land)
!! that needs to be updated after each timestep of that component in order for the exhange mechanism to work properly.
!! The input is a 3d array of numbers between 0 and 1. It signifies the
!! fraction of the component grid cell area which has a model-specific property.
!! This property is used for some sub-grid scale parametrization in the component model.
!! E.g., for the seaice component model, the quantity of seaice in each grid cell (i,j)
!! is distibuted into N=grid%km partitions (ice categories) each parametrized with a weight (part_size) that add to 1.
!! E.g., for 6+2 thickness (h) categories used in GFDL seaice models we have
!! given hlim(1, ..., 8) = [1.0e-10, 0.1, 0.3, 0.7, 1.1, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5] (meters)
!! Caterory n=1 : h <= hlim(1), essentially no ice
!! Caterory n=2...7 : hlim(n-1) < h <= hlim(n)
!! Caterory n=8 : hlim(n-1) < h , unlimimitted ice thickness
!! E.g., if seaice in grid cell (i,j) is parameterized as
!! 10 % open water, 0% category 1, 40% category 2 , 50% category 3 then we have
!! f(i,j,1:km) = part_size(i,j,1:8) = [0.1, 0.0, 0.4, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
!! @param[in] f real(r8_kind) 3D array
!! @param[in] grid_id 3 character grid ID
!! @param[inout] xmap exchange grid
!! <br>Example usage:
!! @code{.F90}
!! call fms_xgrid_set_frac_area (Ice%part_size(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) , 'OCN', xmap_sfc)
!! @endcode
subroutine set_frac_area_sg(f, grid_id, xmap)
real(r8_kind), dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: f !< fraction area to be set
character(len=3), intent(in) :: grid_id !< 3 character grid ID
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3284,7 +3328,7 @@ subroutine put_side2_to_xgrid(d, grid_id, x, xmap)

if (grid_id==xmap%grids(1)%id) &
call error_mesg ('xgrid_mod', &
'put_to_xgrid expects a 2D side 1 grid', FATAL)
'put_side2_to_xgrid expects a 3D side 2 grid', FATAL)

do g=2,size(xmap%grids(:))
if (grid_id==xmap%grids(g)%id) then
Expand Down

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