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Running FV3‐JEDI Hofx Validation

delippi edited this page May 28, 2024 · 3 revisions

Hofx validation is done to compare FV3-JEDI observation operators against the expected GSI result. We are not able to compare MPAS-JEDI against a GSI baseline, thus all validation is done in the context of FV3-JEDI only.

Currently supported platforms


Currently supported dycores

  • FV3 (validation only done with FV3-JEDI vs GSI)

Clone and build GSI

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd GSI/ush

Clone and build RDASApp

Follow the instruction at:

Run the setup_experiment script to get the FV3-JEDI and GSI test data and run scripts

bash # Make sure to edit USER INPUT block first

Generating obs (method 1 - Single obs test) (under construction)

It is good practice to start from a single ob, if possible. It makes debugging much easier, but takes a little bit more effort to get set up. For a single obs test, we will create our own single ob file based on a real ob from prepbufr rather than using the built in single ob option in JEDI. The purpose is to create a single bufr file that is then run through bufr2ioda converter to have a matching single ob IODA file. Then run both through GSI and JEDI respectively and compare the result.

Let's find a real ob that we want to duplicate. The following example uses MSONET data as an example:

module use RDASApp/modulefiles
module load RDAS/${platform}.intel
split_by_subset prepbufr  # splits a BUFR file into subsets
readbp MSONET  # this will print reports one at a time (press enter to iterate)

Looping through the MSONET data with readbp, you might find an ob that we could duplicate like this:

#MESSAGE: MSONET       1   102  2022052619
#STATION: LWEF1      278.61    27.44
#TIME:    2022052619     -0.23
#ELV:        43.00
#TYPE:        540. ********     195.
# LVL CAT        POB        SPH        TOB        ZOB        UOB        VOB
#   1   0  1008.4(3) 13838.0(3)    33.9(2)    43.0(3) *******(*) *******(*)

Once you find an ob to duplicate you can modify GSI's Single_Observation code to create the ob type that you need for your work. You don't have to exactly match the ob information found in readbp. For example, you could change the ob type from 195 to 188 (which is also mesonet). You could also change the station name incase GSI black lists this particular station.

(The rest of these instructions are under construction)

Generating obs (method 2 - Full obs test using GSI-diag IODA)

While single ob tests can be useful for initial testing, it is still important to run a full obs test to complete validation. The first step to create the GSI-diag based IODA observation file is to first run the GSI. If working with a specific ob platform such as MSONET data, you can split your prepbufr data by subset first. In addition to split_by_subset there are some other useful tools to be aware of:

module use RDASApp/modulefiles
module load RDAS/${platform}.intel
gettab ${bufrfile}  # this will print the internal BUFR table
readbp ${bufrfile}  # this will print reports one at a time
readmp ${bufrfile}  # similar to readbp but prints more info
split_by_subset ${bufrfile}  # splits a BUFR file into subsets

This will create BUFR files like MSONET, ADPSFC, ADPUPA, etc. that were extracted from the original prepbufr file containing only obs from those specific platforms/subsets. Here you might want to link/copy your prepbufr that was split by subset as prepbufr to the GSI run directory. For example:

cd ${YOUR_EXPERIMENT_DIR}/gsi_2022052619
split_by_subset prepbufr
mv prepbufr
ln -sf MSONET prepbufr

Now run the GSI experiment

cd ${YOUR_EXPERIMENT_DIR}/gsi_2022052619

After GSI has finished running, you will need to use the diag files to create the GSI-based IODA files

bash ${diag} # Edit this script. Currently assumes sfc conv obs.

where ${diag} is the name of your diagnostic file, for example: diag_conv_t_ges.2022052619. This will create a GSI-IODA file in obsout/. The file named is like sfc_tsen_obs_2022052619.nc4 for surface temperature obs, for example.

***Note: If this script fails, it could be that your obstype is not in the script located here $RDASApp/build/lib/python3.10/pyiodaconv/ this is the "installed" script. If it is not, please add it to RDASApp/sorc/iodaconv/src/gsi_ncdiag/ and open a PR to

Run FV3-JEDI with GSI-based IODA file

For demonstration purposes use the provided testinput/msonet_airTemperature.yaml.

cd ${YOUR_EXPERIMENT_DIR}/rrfs-data_fv3jedi_2022052619
cp ${YOUR_EXPERIMENT_DIR}/gsi_2022052619/obsout/sfc_tsen_obs_2022052619.nc4 .
ln -sf testinput/msonet_airTemperature.yaml .
sbatch msonet_airTemperature.yaml

Validation (non-EVA tools)

For quick sanity checks, there is a convienient python script to plot hofx ratios.

cd ${YOUR_EXPERIMENT_DIR}/rrfs-data_fv3jedi_2022052619
module use ${YOUR_PATH_TO_RDASAPP}/modulefiles
module load EVA/${platform}
python -d ${diag} -v ${variable} -o ${obtype}

where ${diag} is the JEDI diag file like MSONET_hofxs_${variable}_2022052619.nc4, ${variable} is a variable name such as airTemperature, specificHumidity, etc. and ${obtype} is the BUFR ob types such as 188 for mesonet state variables or 288 for mesonet wind variables.

Validation (EVA)

A helper script ( is provided to get users started running EVA and meant for demonstration purposes. The script that is included assumes mesonet data, but could be easily modified to run other observation types.

ln -sf ../rrfs-data_fv3jedi_2022052619/msonet_airTemperature.yaml .
ln -sf ../rrfs-data_fv3jedi_2022052619/MSONET_hofxs_airTemperature_2022052619.nc4 .
bash eva_mesonet_MSONET_hofxs_airTemperature_2022052619.yaml

Once finished, EVA will create three subdirectories containting a variety of validation figures: observation_scatter_plots, histograms, and map_plots.

***Note: If eva fails, please check if you have another python/conda environment setup or you are not in the da group.