We present two covert channels that communicate by triggering artificial reconnections of WiFi nodes. The code was implemented by S. Zillien.
This repository contains the proof-of-concept code for the following paper:
S. Zillien, S. Wendzel: Reconnection-based Covert Channels in Wireless Networks, in Proc. 36th IFIP TC-11 International Information Security and Privacy Conference (IFIP SEC 2021), Springer, 2021.
You can send us a request via ResearchGate or e-mail if you do not have access to the paper.
Example call
./sender.py --msg HelloWorld --delay 0 --count 64 --wait 0.5
All options can be shown with
./sender.py -h
The wireless adaptor needs to be manually set into monitor mode and configured for the target channel.
The tool airmon-ng can be used to set these parameters.
The script expects the wireless adaptor to be called wlan0mon
. An interface can be renamed with
ip link set <interface> name wlan0mon
Example call
./sender.py --msg HelloWorld --port /dev/ttyACM0
The script expects an Arduino or similar microcontroller with our firmware, that is connected via a serial connection.
The receiver does not have configuration parameters and can be started with the call.
- Python 3
- Scapy
- more_itertools
- pyserial
SenderMethod2 requires additional hardware to communicate between sender and clients. We used ESP32 boards as clients and an Arduino Leonardo to communicate with them.