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Python package to move, organize and preprocess data from the Macromolecular microscopy consortium

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MMC file transfer and preprocessing

This python package is mainly used to transfer raw data from cryo-TEM data collection from the microscope computer to staging, long-term and computing cluster areas and simplify the preprocessing of the data. It organizes the data into groups and projects during filetransfer.

This new version also keeps track of data collection parameters and saves them alongside the data for future reference. This information is espacially important when writing up the materials and methods section of manuscripts.

New to this version

  • New groups have to be added to a master file before use. This will prevent group creation from typos
  • Automatic emails to the employees of the cryo-em facilities upon error or when the data stream is interrupted
  • Automatic emails to the project leads about the details of their data collection
  • Revised command-line interface
  • New data collection session organization. Now organized into groups/project/session from groups/session. Extramural and external collaborators now have their dedicated storage areas.
  • Multiple files transfered concurrently instead of one after the other. This should result in faster transfer speeds.
  • Added extra check to ensure the files are fully written before being transfered.


Other dependencies:

  • IMOD. Required. Follow the installation instructions
  • bbcp. Just download the executable for your architecture. Not needed if not running remote transfers.
  • Scipion. Optional. Only if scipion preprocessing is going to be used.

Create a new python 3.10 anaconda environment

conda create -n MMC python==3.10
conda activate MMC

Clone the repository and install.

git clone
cd MMC-filetransfer
pip install -e .

Initial Setup

To get started, an enviroment files needs to be created. There is a template file in the repository.

  1. Generate the .env file from the template.

    cd config
    cp env-template .env
  2. Open the file in a text editor and fill the values. Below is an explanation of each value

    # executables
    bbcp = '' #Full path to bbcp 
    IMOD_BIN = '/usr/local/IMOD/bin/' #Full path to the IMOD binaries.
    scipion_path = '/usr/local/scipion-3.0/scipion3' #Full path to the scipion3 executable
    # Local area to store the logs
    logs = '' #Where the initial information about the transfer session is saved
    log_level = 'INFO' #Set the log_level to 'INFO' or 'DEBUG'
    # Emails
    sender_email = '' #Who is sending the email notifications
    smtp_server = '' #domain of the stmp server
    smtp_port = #Port used by the server
    # Scipion
    HTML = ''  #Path to where the scipion static html reports should be placed
  3. Setup storage locations. Open config/storageLocations.yaml in a text editor.

    There are 4 locations that can be set up. staging, longTerm, cluster, and scipion.

    staging: #required
      status: staging
      root: /datastaging/data/gatan_movies #Set to the path where the staging are is. It is recommended to use a highly-available local path close to the microscope.
      storage_type: local
      status: longTerm
      root: /ddn/cryoemCore/data/projects_niehs #Change path to the long-term location
      storage_type: nfs #NFS is similar to local but is a mounted network share. The transfer will ensure that the nfs drive is available before transfering the files.
      status: cluster
      root: /data/Cryoem/projects_niehs #Change path to the cluster location
      SSHstring: #Change to the ssh hostname of your cluster
      storage_type: 'remote' #Will use bbcp to transfer the files to the cluster
      status: scipion
      root: /data-edison/Scipion/
      SSHstring: edison
      storage_type: remote
  4. Set up mailing list for warnings and errors. This mailing list is for staff users to warn about errors and idling of the files transfers. The list should be put in config/contact_emails.txt. One email per line:


One-time setup for each users

If you are planning on using remote ssh-based transfers, please set up an ssh key for passwordless transfers.

If scipion is set as storage_type: remote, an ssh key to that host will also be required.

Activating the environment

$ conda activate MMC

Command-line interface basics

The only executable for this package is To bring up the general help menu, do not use any argument.

Welcome to the MMC command line interface.

Below is a list of available commands with their associated subcommands.

       |-> add             (Add new group)
       |-> list            (List all groups or specific group)
       |-> add_project     (Add project to the specific group)
       |-> add_emails      (Add emails to a project)
       |-> setup           (Initiates the session)
       |-> transfer        (Starts file transfer to staging and long-term storage)
       |-> preprocess      (Start the preprocessing

There are 2 main commands, groups and session and then sub-commands with a summary of the function. To learn more about a sub-command, you can bring up the help menu with mainCommand subCommand -h:

$ groups add -h
usage: Add new group [-h] name {NIEHS,NICE,Collaborations}

positional arguments:
  name                  Name of the group
                        Affiliation for the group

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Editing groups

Groups can be added/edited either via the command-line interface or by manually editing the config/groups.yaml file.

Add Group

To add a group, provide a name and an affiliation:

  • Name should not contain spaces
  • Affiliation options:
    • NIEHS: For local NIEHS users
    • NICE: For intramural users part of the NICE consortium
    • Collaborations: For external collaborators
# Example
$ BorgniaM NIEHS
{'name': 'BorgniaM', 'affiliation': 'NIEHS'}
Adding name='BorgniaM' affiliation='NIEHS' projects=[]

Add project to group

To add a project into an existing group, the following will need to be provided:

  • Name of the group to which the projects is to be added
  • Name of the project
  • A list of emails associated to that project to send notification and summary about the data collection session
# Example
$ groups add_project BorgniaM Project1 -emails
{'group': 'BorgniaM', 'name': 'Project1', 'emails': ['', '']}

Add emails to project

To add emails to an already existing project

  • The group and project together, separated by a point (i.e. BorgniaM.Project1)
  • The list of emails as for the previous command
# Example
$ groups add_emails BorgniaM.Project1 -emails
{'project': 'BorgniaM.Project1', 'emails': ['', '']}
Group:          BorgniaM
Affiliation:    NIEHS

List groups

There is a command to list all groups or a specific one.

  • Optionally provide a name to list a single group, otherwise list all
# Example
$ groups list
{'name': '__all__'}
Group:          BorgniaM
Affiliation:    NIEHS
Group:          testing
Affiliation:    NIEHS
#Example 2
$ groups list -name BorgniaM
{'name': '__all__'}
Group:          BorgniaM
Affiliation:    NIEHS

Groups file synthax

The synthax of the groups.yaml is the following:

- name: GroupNameHere
  affiliation: NIEHS,Collaboration or NICE
    - name: ProjectNameHere
      emailList: [,, ...]
    - name: OtherProjectName
      emailList: []
- name: OtherGroupHere

Running a session

Session setup

Before running a session, it has to be created. There is a specific command to set up a new session.

Many arguments need to be provided to this command. The touroughness helps in ensuring proper bookkeeping about the data collection sessions. Especially at the time of writing the materials and methods section of a new manuscript.

To learn all the arguments to the setup command, please use session setup -h

# Minimal command example session setup -source /mnt/gatan_Raid_X/test_pyp/ \
                     -sample ApoferritinSample1
                     -group testing \
                     -project test_transfer \
                     -scope niehs_arctica \
                     -magnification 45000 \
                     -pixelSize 0.9321 \
                     -totalDose 50 \
                     -frameNumber 60 \
                     -detectorCounts 8.3

The following detailed examples show how the gain reference and the files pattern can be specificed in case multiple sessions are in the same source directory.

# More detailed command example session setup -source /mnt/gatan_Raid_X/test_pyp/ \
                     -sample ApoferritinSample1
                     -group testing \
                     -project test_transfer \
                     -scope niehs_arctica \
                     -magnification 45000 \
                     -pixelSize 0.9321 \
                     -totalDose 50 \
                     -frameNumber 60 \
                     -detectorCounts 8.3 \
                     -filesPattern *.tif \ 
                     -gainReference /mnt/gatan_Raid_X/test_pyp/CountRef_20210915_ES1-0901-1_000.dm4a

{'source': '/mnt/gatan_Raid_X/test_pyp/', 'group': 'testing', 'project': 'test_transfer', 'sample': 'test2', 'scope': 'niehs_arctica', 'magnification': '45000', 'pixelSize': 0.9321, 'totalDose': 50.0, 'frameNumber': 60, 'detectorCounts': 8.3, 'mode': 'spr', 'tiltAngleOrScheme': '0', 'filesPattern': '*.tif', 'gainReference': '/mnt/gatan_Raid_X/test_pyp/CountRef_20210915_ES1-0901-1_000.dm4', 'date': None}
Created settings file for session 20221011_ApoferritinSample1 at /datastaging/data/mmc/20221011_test2/settings.yaml

Note the output of the command: The session name is 20221011_ApoferritinSample1

The edit the run, the command can be rerun. Alternatively, the yaml file can be modified directly with a text editor.

Run the file transfer for a session

After creation, a session can be run for preprocessing and file transfer. The command for starting the file transfer is session transfer. The following arguments will need to be provided:

  • The session name
  • The expected duration of the run in hours
  • Whether or not to move the raw data to the cluser (optional)
$ session transfer 20221011_ApoferritinSample1 -duration 16

It is recommended to use tmux or screen to run this command

Start the Scipion preprocessing

The created session can also be preprocessed with Scipion automatically with the session preprocess command. The command will create a scipion project for the session and initiate the project when the gain reference file has been transfered.

$ session preprocess 20221011_ApoferritinSample1 -duration 16

Directory Structure and files

Master directory

One of the main areas to find data and log files is in the log directory specified in the .env file. In tha area you will find:

  • A master log file for everything that happened in the past 14 days, located in logs/mmc.log
  • For existing session as directory in YYYMMDD_sampleName.
    • That directory contains the session parameters as session.yaml
    • The session log file as session.log
    • The list of files that were transfered in csv format as transfer.list
    • If scipion preprocessing was run, the submitted scipion workflow template as workflow_template.json

Sessions raw data directory

The raw data coming for the microscope will be automatically copied into the specified staging and longTerm areas specified in storageLocations.yaml. The data will be organized as follows:

  • For NIEHS users: The directory structure will be groupName/projecName/YYYYMMDD_sampleName
  • For NICE users: The directory structure will be NICE/groupName/projecName/YYYYMMDD_sampleName
  • For external collaborations: The directory structure will be BorgniaM/collaborations/groupName/projecName/YYYYMMDD_sampleName

In each directory, you will find a copy of the session.yaml and a raw directory where the raw *.tif or *.mrc along with .mdoc files will be found.

Automated emails

Automated emails will be send upon errors and idling in transfers.

  • On errors: An email will be sent to all addresses in config/contact_emails.txt. It will contain the information in session.yaml and a traceback of the error to help with troubleshooting.
  • On idle: If no new files have been found in the source directory for a certain period (45 minutes), an warning email will be sent to all addresses in config/contact_emails.txt. This email doesn't mean that something is wrong but may uncover an underlying error in the microscope software or simply inform that all targets were acquired.
  • On completition: When the session duration has been met, a completion email will be sent to all addresses in config/contact_emails.txt as well as all adresses attached in the session's project. It will inform the "owners" of the specimen that their data collection has finished and give them a copy of the microscope parameters, number of images, duration[...] that is saved in session.yaml


Python package to move, organize and preprocess data from the Macromolecular microscopy consortium






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