The goal of this project is building a declarative tool for the creation and manipulation of scenarios and maps in the videogame FreeCiv, a turn-based strategy game between multiple players that it is played on a two-dimensional grid map.
The ultimate purpose is to achive, as far as posible, that the generation of scenarios is guided by a set of rules, expressed as constraints in logic programming, in such a way that the user can vary sustantially the configuration of the scenarios obtained in according to the representation of the problem in terms of a logical program. Given its suitability for problem solving, the logical programming paradigm to be used is Answer Set Programming.
First of all, install these dependencies on your machine:
- Clingo 5.2.5
- Lua 5.3
- Love2D 11.0
If you have a Ubuntu distribution installed on your machine, execute this in a terminal in order to install all dependencies:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bartbes/love-stable
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gringo clasp lua5.3 love
Afterwards, just clone the repository wherever you want it. Then just execute this in a terminal:
make run
This project uses busted for its tests. If you want to run all the tests, you will have to install busted first. Then just execute the following:
make test