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Data Dictionary Exposures

Missy Schoenbaum edited this page Jan 21, 2021 · 6 revisions

Daily Exposures- Supplemental Output File

Variable Description
Run Number that indicates the run or iteration of the simulation
Day Day within the iteration
Type Type of exposure that occurred
Reason Method of spread that caused exposure
Source_ID Identifier of the source of exposure unit as provided in the unitID or herdID of the population file
S_Production Type Description of the source production type of the unit, using user-defined production type names
S_Lat Latitude of the source unit
S_Lon Longitude of the source unit
S_Zone Description of zone that the source unit was in during event, using user-defined zone names
Recipient_ID Identifier of the recipient unit as provided in the unitID or herdID of the population file
R_Production Type Description of the recipient production type of the unit, using user-defined production type names
R_Lat Latitude of the recipient unit
R_Lon Longitude of the recipient unit
R_Zone Description of zone that the recipient unit was in during event, using user-defined zone names

Type Domain for Daily Exposures

Variable Description
Exposure Exposures to disease
Infection This field could better be described as Adequate Exposure to cause infection. Note that Adequate Exposure doesn’t automatically imply that infection happened. Reasons in simulation that would prevent infection include units in any state that is not susceptible, such as already in an infected state or in one of the immune states.

Reason Domain for Daily Exposures

Variable Description
Ini Initially infected unit(s)
Dir Direct contact
Ind Indirect contact
Air Airborne contact (only adequate exposures listed due to large volume). Airborne exposures are too numerous to capture each event. A total count can be seen in the variables expcUAir, expcAAir, expnUAir, and expnAAir.

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