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Currency Converter 💰

This is a currency converter application built with React ⚛️, TypeScript 🧑‍💻, Material-UI (MUI) 🎨, and Axios 🌐. It utilizes the Free Currency API to fetch and convert exchange rates between different currencies.

Getting Started 🚀 To get started with the Currency Converter application, follow the steps below:

Prerequisites 📋 Before you begin, ensure that you have the following installed on your local machine:

Node.js (version 12 or above) 📦 npm (Node Package Manager) or yarn 🧶 Installation ⬇️ Clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:

Navigate to the project directory:

cd Currency-Converter
Install the project dependencies using npm or yarn:

npm install
yarn install

Configuration ⚙️
To use the Free Currency API, you need to obtain an API key by signing up on their website: Once you have the API key, follow the steps below to configure it in the application:

Create a new file called .env in the project's root directory.

Open the .env file and add the following line:

Replace YOUR_API_KEY with the API key you obtained from Free Currency API.```


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