Tags: MythicalFish/react-boilerplate
Merge pull request react-boilerplate#1322 from mxstbr/3.4 v3.4.0
fix(example): Fix i18n button not updating (react-boilerplate#1187) (r… …eact-boilerplate#1194)
fix(example: Test warnings (react-boilerplate#923) * Fix test invalid prop warning. Resolved by rewiring Banner to be a string instead of object. It is an object becaue the test webpack does not use the image loader. * Fix test propType warning by passing onChange. This seems to be a debatable issues (1118) with react which requires an onChange if providing a value. * Fix test warnings by passing required props. * Increate test coverage of the Img component. * Update src proptype to stop test warnings
envify react in production Made the mistake to include the development build of react in the production build. Fixed by setting process.env manually to production in makewebpackconfig.js Thx to @gaearon for https://twitter.com/dan_abramov/status/592692202335301636