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@ebmifa ebmifa released this 03 Oct 01:59
· 5777 commits to main since this release


Sui Protocol Version in this release: 26

This PR improves and changes the output returned from the sui client object command to a well-formatted table. Use the --json flag if you want standard JSON output.

Updated display of constants in disassembled Move bytecode to try and show the deserialized string if the constant is a vector<u8> that is valid utf8.

The displayed output from sui client objects is improved to show details in a well-formatted table. You can use the --json flag to output a more verbose and standard JSON format.

This PR changes the output of sui client gas [address] to a well-formatted table. This breaks the previous JSON format when using --json flag, due to changing the GasCoin output type to a simpler one. For example, you might have previously accessed the gas coin ID using and the value using balance.value from the original JSON, as in the following example:

    "id": {
      "id": "0x20365c5cee12091faf31e3ea5f3586a4ea5f1ae49d71cda99c104b5ae8325f8b"
    "balance": {
      "value": 997250075972

With this change, you must use gasCoinId to access the ID and gasBalance for the balance value. The JSON output now resembles the following:

   "gasCoinId": "0x20365c5cee12091faf31e3ea5f3586a4ea5f1ae49d71cda99c104b5ae8325f8b",
   "gasBalance": 997250075972

When you suppress linter warnings for your code, basic statistics about those suppressed warnings (number of suppressed warnings and number of suppressed warning categories) are printed.

This PR changes the output format for the sui client verify-bytecode-meter command to a well-formatted table.

This PR updates the response from the sui client envs command to display as a well-formatted table. Use --json to get a standard JSON output.

The Sui CLI now returns a new error message if you try to compile and publish a package in test mode using the sui client publish --test command.

Use ceremony-generated verifying key to verify proofs in zklogin transaction. Upgrade protocol version to 25 that enables JWK consensus and zkLogin flag for 3 OAuth providers.

Updated zkLogin to use a ceremony-generated verifying key to verify proofs in zklogin transactions. This change adds a mechanism for validators to agree on JWKs that are provided by Oauth providers (e.g. Google, Facebook, Twitch). The JWKs are part of the public inputs to the proofs used by zklogin to verify user transactions.


Manifest file digest and dependency digest fields in Move.lock files are now mandatory.

Introduces Protocol Version 25, which adds sui::table_vec::swap and sui::table_vec::swap_remove to system packages. Use these functions to swap two positions in a single TableVec<T> or swap an element to the end and remove it in O(1) time, analogous to std::vector::swap and std::vector::swap_remove.

Generated linter warnings now include information on where you can provide linter feedback.