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@sui-merge-bot sui-merge-bot tagged this 27 Nov 07:00
This PR was opened by the [Changesets
release]( GitHub action. When
you're ready to do a release, you can merge this and publish to npm
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automatically]( If
you're not ready to do a release yet, that's fine, whenever you add more
changesets to main, this PR will be updated.

# Releases
## @mysten/prettier-plugin-move@0.2.0

### Minor Changes

-   53387ff: - parser rename "move-parser" -> "move"
    -   adds `prettier-move` bin when installed globally
    -   better comments handling in empty blocks
    -   sorts abilities alphabetically, but `key` always first
    -   no longer inserts block in `if_expression` if expression breaks

## @mysten/bcs@1.1.1

### Patch Changes

-   1dd7713: Accept arrays of numbers when serializing bcs.bytes()

## @mysten/create-dapp@0.3.40

### Patch Changes

-   @mysten/sui@1.15.1
-   @mysten/dapp-kit@0.14.39

## @mysten/dapp-kit@0.14.39

### Patch Changes

-   @mysten/sui@1.15.1
-   @mysten/wallet-standard@0.13.15
-   @mysten/zksend@0.12.5

## @mysten/deepbook@0.8.29

### Patch Changes

-   @mysten/sui@1.15.1

## @mysten/deepbook-v3@0.12.14

### Patch Changes

-   @mysten/sui@1.15.1

## @mysten/enoki@0.4.13

### Patch Changes

-   @mysten/sui@1.15.1
-   @mysten/zklogin@0.7.30

## @mysten/graphql-transport@0.2.31

### Patch Changes

-   Updated dependencies [1dd7713]
    -   @mysten/bcs@1.1.1
    -   @mysten/sui@1.15.1

## @mysten/kiosk@0.9.29

### Patch Changes

-   @mysten/sui@1.15.1

## @mysten/kms@0.0.9

### Patch Changes

-   @mysten/sui@1.15.1

## @mysten/suins-toolkit@0.5.29

### Patch Changes

-   @mysten/sui@1.15.1

## @mysten/sui@1.15.1

### Patch Changes

-   Updated dependencies [1dd7713]
    -   @mysten/bcs@1.1.1

## @mysten/wallet-standard@0.13.15

### Patch Changes

-   @mysten/sui@1.15.1

## @mysten/zklogin@0.7.30

### Patch Changes

-   Updated dependencies [1dd7713]
    -   @mysten/bcs@1.1.1
    -   @mysten/sui@1.15.1

## @mysten/zksend@0.12.5

### Patch Changes

-   @mysten/sui@1.15.1
-   @mysten/wallet-standard@0.13.15

Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
Assets 2