## Description
> Wondering if there is a quick win here (and will tag
@Ştefan also) should we make homebrew build from the devnet or testnet
branch by default? The average dev getting started via the brew install
route is almost certainly going to be hitting devnet or testnet first,
so the onboarding flow in the docs will always work
> My 2c would be testnet as a good balance between being leading edge
and being stable.
## Test Plan
@ebmifa I see there's already a `testnet` release for 1.17 - can we
re-run this workflow for 1.17 or should I just manually update the
homebrew tap for 1.17?
If your changes are not user-facing and do not break anything, you can
skip the following section. Otherwise, please briefly describe what has
changed under the Release Notes section.
### Type of Change (Check all that apply)
- [ ] protocol change
- [ ] user-visible impact
- [ ] breaking change for a client SDKs
- [ ] breaking change for FNs (FN binary must upgrade)
- [ ] breaking change for validators or node operators (must upgrade
- [ ] breaking change for on-chain data layout
- [ ] necessitate either a data wipe or data migration
### Release notes