Standardized posix time calculation which should fix negative latencies
being returned by benchmark when timezone was mismatched
Also included further breakdown of narwhal latencies ([investigation
and updated local benchmark parameters, which is used in CI, to match
what we are currently using in production.
Faults: 0 node(s)
Committee size: 4 node(s)
Worker(s) per node: 1 worker(s)
Collocate primary and workers: True
Input rate: 200 tx/s
Transaction size: 512 B
Execution time: 60 s
Header number of batches threshold: 1 digests
Header maximum number of batches: 1,000 digests
Max header delay: 2,000 ms
GC depth: 50 round(s)
Sync retry delay: 10,000 ms
Sync retry nodes: 3 node(s)
batch size: 500,000 B
Max batch delay: 200 ms
Max concurrent requests: 500,000
Batch creation latency: 179 ms
Header creation latency: 462 ms
Batch to header latency: 231 ms
Certificate creation latency: 13 ms
Request vote outbound latency: 6 ms
Certificate commit latency: 460 ms
Consensus TPS: 159 tx/s
Consensus BPS: 81,616 B/s
Consensus latency: 472 ms
End-to-end TPS: 159 tx/s
End-to-end BPS: 81,414 B/s
End-to-end latency: 604 ms