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@ebmifa ebmifa released this 31 May 17:15
· 7157 commits to main since this release


  • [API behavioral changes] - rpc methods that result in errors of variant UserInputError, SuiRpcInputError, SuiError::TransactionNotFound or SuiError::TransactionsNotFound now return error code 32602 instead of 32000. #11833 #11928 Improve
  • Fixed a bug for get_coin_metadata which can return null when the fullnode is pruned #11971
  • sui::package::from_package<T>(self: &Publisher) and sui::package::from_module<T>(self: &Publisher) return true when T is a type introduced at any upgraded version of the package associated with self: &Publisher (rather than just the types initially present when that package was published).
  • Protocol version upgrade to version 11, including a framework upgrade:
    • std::type_name::get_with_original_ids is introduced as a new stdlib function to return a representation of the type where package IDs have all been normalized to "original" IDs (the ID of the first version of a package) in contrast to the default behavior of std::type_name::get which distinguishes types introduced at different versions of a package by assigning them the ID of the package that introduced them.
    • sui::package::from_package<T>(self: &Publisher) and sui::package::from_module<T>(self: &Publisher) return true when T is a type introduced at any upgraded version of the package associated with self: &Publisher (rather than just the types originally present when that package was published).
  • The sui CLI logging to file is now off by default but can be enabled by setting the env variable SUI_CLI_LOG_FILE_ENABLE=1 #12095.
  • The default stake subsidy parameters have been changed to 10 distribution epoch periods with a decrease rate of 10%. This will affect rewards distribution on devnet. #11826
  • updated documentation on advice for fullnode pruning settings #11905
  • New Sui client CLI command (verify-bytecode-meter) which reports the bytecode verifier metering ticks for a package. This is useful when triaging why a package times-out during verification at signing. #11974. Example usage: sui client verify-bytecode-meter {package_source_path}
  • The --serialize_output option of the sui CLI command now becomes --serialize_unsigned_transaction; also added --serialize_signed_transaction option to serialize the transaction after applying the user signature.

Known Issues
Addresses or IDs with a zero 0 after the initial 0x will have that 0 missing and will be 1 char shorter. This can be used to identify such faulty responses, correct ones should be 66 chars in length. Addresses shown as being 65 chars in length are missing a 0 after the 0x.
Example: Address 0x0eb97bff42fcef320b5f148db69033b9f689555348b2e90f1da72b0644fa37d0 will be returned as 0xeb97bff42fcef320b5f148db69033b9f689555348b2e90f1da72b0644fa37d0

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