The current client API supports transfer, receive and get balance
It should be expended to support all the operations supported by OrderKind.
Also get_spendable_amount
should be replaced by get_possesed_objects
as we no longer have the concept of balance in the system.
The expended Client should contains the following functions :
fn transfer_to_fastpay(
&mut self,
object_id: ObjectID,
recipient: FastPayAddress,
user_data: UserData
) -> AsyncResult<CertifiedOrder, Error>
fn transfer_to_primary(
&mut self,
object_id: ObjectID,
recipient: PrimaryAddress,
user_data: UserData,
) -> AsyncResult<CertifiedOrder, Error>
fn publish_module(
&mut self,
gas_payment: ObjectRef,
module_bytes: Dec<u8>
) -> AsyncResult<CertifiedOrder, Error>
fn call_module(
&mut self,
module: ModuleId,
function: Identifier,
type_arguments: Vec<TypeTag>,
gas_payment: ObjectRef,
object_arguments: Vec<ObjectRef>,
pure_arguments: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
gas_budget: u64,
) -> AsyncResult<CertifiedOrder, Error>
fn receive_from_fastpay(
&mut self,
certificate: CertifiedOrder,
) -> AsyncResult<(), Error>
fn get_possesed_objects(&mut self) -> AsyncResult<Vec<ObjectRef>, Error>