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@github-actions github-actions released this 12 Mar 23:06

We has provided more ways of previewing documents for editors having poor lsp support.

  • Default Preview: The editors supporting lsp commands, e.g. neovim and helix, can use tinymist.startDefaultPreview to start a browsing preview server directly.
  • Background Preview: The editors not supporting lsp commands can use the background preview feature to start a preview server in background. You can bind a shortcut editor to open the preview in browser.

See the Issue: Preview feature for all editors for unimplemented features.

  • Provided tinymist documentation in PDF format in #1485


  • (Fix) Getting task options from configuration in #1449
  • (Fix) Displaying ProjectInsId without quoting in #1476
    • This made document summary not working.
  • (Perf) Parallelizing and synchronously waiting font loading in #1470

Code Analysis

  • (Fix) Identifying chained dot access when matching atomic expression in markup mode in #1488 and #1489
    • When completing #a.b.|, the second . was viewed as a text dot and failed to trigger the field completion. It now reparses correctly.
  • Made file type recognition by file extension case-insensitive in #1472
    • For example, IMAGE.PNG is recognized as an image file now.


  • (Fix) Combining VS Code language specific default settings into one block by @0risc in #1462


  • (Fix) Skipping argument completion when the cursor is on the right parenthesis in #1480
  • (Fix) Distinguished content value from content type in #1482
    • math.op("+") was wrongly inferred as an element function (type), instead of a value having the element type.
  • Adjusting range of label and reference completions in #1443 and #1444
    • It becomes more sensible when you request completions from anywhere on the labels or references.
  • Unifying and improving function and method completion in #1478
    • The was affecting show outline.entry. It was completing e| as entry() instead of entry.
  • Skip completion of types having no constructors or scopes in #1481
    • For example, content is not completed.
  • Completing std module in #1483
    • std is in neither global scope nor math scope, so we have to handle it manually.
  • Accepting arbitrary expressions in show rules in #1484
    • For example, show: s| now can be completed as show: std|, and so that further completed as show: std.scale(..). It was not working because modules were filtered out as not a valid show transform function.


  • Added support to run preview server in background in #1233
  • Added tinymist.startDefaultPreview and revised documentation about preview in #1448


Full Changelog: v0.13.4...v0.13.6

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tinymist-armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz ARMv7 Linux checksum
tinymist-aarch64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz ARM64 MUSL Linux checksum
tinymist-loongarch64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz LOONGARCH64 MUSL Linux checksum
tinymist-riscv64gc-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz RISCV MUSL Linux checksum
tinymist-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz x64 MUSL Linux checksum
tinymist-arm-unknown-linux-musleabihf.tar.gz ARMv6 MUSL Linux (Hardfloat) checksum
tinymist-armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf.tar.gz ARMv7 MUSL Linux checksum
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tinymist-linux-x64.vsix x64 Linux Binary, Debug Symbols
tinymist-linux-arm64.vsix ARM64 Linux Binary, Debug Symbols
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tinymist-darwin-arm64.vsix Apple Silicon macOS Binary, Debug Symbols
tinymist-alpine-x64.vsix x64 Alpine Linux Binary, Debug Symbols
tinymist-alpine-arm64.vsix ARM64 Alpine Linux Binary, Debug Symbols
tinymist-web.vsix Browser (Web)
tinymist-universal.vsix Other Platforms (Universal)