This Library provides a convenient way to add chains to a Keplr wallet. The functionality is provided by using a button exported by the library. It is designed to be used on only React based applications.
npm install add-keplr-chain
The button exported from this library is unstlyed but can be replaced with another button or styled completely. The button is used to add a chain to the Keplr wallet. The button takes in a chain object as a prop. The chain object should have the following properties:
import KeplrAddChainButton from "add-keplr-chain";
const chainInfo = {
chainId: "nillion-chain-testnet-1",
chainName: "Nillion Testnet",
rpc: "",
rest: "",
bip44: {
coinType: 118,
bech32Config: {
bech32PrefixAccAddr: "nillion",
bech32PrefixAccPub: "nillionpub",
bech32PrefixValAddr: "nillionvaloper",
bech32PrefixValPub: "nillionvaloperpub",
bech32PrefixConsAddr: "nillionvalcons",
bech32PrefixConsPub: "nillionvalconspub",
currencies: [
coinDenom: "NIL",
coinMinimalDenom: "unil",
coinDecimals: 6,
feeCurrencies: [
coinDenom: "NIL",
coinMinimalDenom: "unil",
coinDecimals: 6,
gasPriceStep: {
low: 0.001,
average: 0.001,
high: 0.01,
stakeCurrency: {
coinDenom: "NIL",
coinMinimalDenom: "unil",
coinDecimals: 6,
features: [],
buttonText='Add Nillion Testnet'
loadingText='Adding Chain...'
buttonClassName='px-6 py-3 text-lg font-semibold text-white bg-blue-600 rounded-full hover:bg-blue-700 active:bg-blue-800 transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out transform hover:scale-105 active:scale-95 shadow-lg hover:shadow-xl focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-blue-400 focus:ring-opacity-50 mb-4'
import KeplrAddChainButton from "add-keplr-chain";
buttonText='Add Nillion Testnet'
loadingText='Adding Chain...'
renderButton={({ onClick, disabled, isLoading, text }) => (
padding: "12px 24px",
fontSize: "16px",
fontWeight: "bold",
color: "white",
backgroundColor: disabled ? "#a0aec0" : "#4a5568",
border: "none",
borderRadius: "8px",
cursor: disabled ? "not-allowed" : "pointer",
transition: "all 0.3s ease",
"0 4px 6px rgba(50, 50, 93, 0.11), 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)",
display: "flex",
alignItems: "center",
justifyContent: "center",
width: "250px",
height: "50px",
{isLoading ? (
width: "20px",
height: "20px",
border: "3px solid #ffffff",
borderTop: "3px solid #4a5568",
borderRadius: "50%",
animation: "spin 1s linear infinite",
marginRight: "10px",
) : (
alt='Nillion Logo'
style={{ width: "24px", height: "24px", marginRight: "10px" }}
Prop Name | Type | Description |
chainInfo | object | The chain object that contains the chain information. |
buttonText | string | The text to display on the button. |
loadingText | string | The text to display on the button when the chain is being added. |
renderButton | function | A function that returns a custom button. |
onSuccess | function | A function that is called when the chain is successfully added. |
onError | function | A function that is called when an error occurs while adding the chain. |
buttonStyle | object | The style object to apply to the button. |
buttonClassName | string | The class name to apply to the button. |