#Improved chat mod for Trove
- Chat message fixes:
- increased message font size to 14
- changed format from [channel][author] to [channel - author]
- Channels fixes:
- changed channel 4 color in chat log and chat input
- ChatLog Fixes
- made less transparent
- added white border
- removed background to make consistent color (blackish)
- increased maximum messages from 100 to 500
- chat is always maximized
- messages aren't moved on chat input made active
- changed timeout of chat fadeout on inactivity from 15 seconds to 1 hour
- [beta] Chat coords, height and wisth (partially broken)
Moved chat log and input to the left window border (-16 px)
Raised top chat border on 200 px
Lowered bottom chat border and chat input to bottom window border (~100px)
moved scrollbar to the right of the chat log
Known bugs:
Right click on message doesn't register outside default chat window dimensions
go to Releases and download latest binary zip
Binaries contain:
chat.swf - original
chat_v1.swf - modified chat (Parts 1-3 in Features)
chat_v1_extra.swf - modified chat (Parts 1-4 in Features)
Copy need file to Trove_Install_Folder/ui/override/chat.swf
Install RABCDAsm from https://github.com/CyberShadow/RABCDAsm make sure abcexport, rabcdasm, rabcasm and abcreplace can be called from command-line
Clone this repository
Start by copying current chat.swf from patches/ or current game to repository root
disassemble.bat creates "chat-0" folder with scripts for editing
assemble.bat creates modified chat.swf in release/ folder. That chat.swf you can use for testing. Copy it to Trove_Install_Folder/ui/override/chat.swf