visualQuality Public
Visual analysis approach presented in the paper "Exploring visual quality of multidimensional time series projections", published by the journal Visual Informatics.
NMTVis Public
Visual analysis approach presented in the papers "Visualization-based improvement of neural machine translation" (Computers & Graphics, 2021) and "Visual-Interactive Neural Machine Translation" (Gr…
hiddenStatesVis Public
Visual analytics approach presented in the paper "Visual Analytics Tool for the Interpretation of Hidden States in Recurrent Neural Networks" (VCIBA, 2021).
ETFuse Public
Visual analysis approach presented in the papers "Demo of a Visual Gaze Analysis System for Virtual Board Games" (ETRA, 2020) and "Comparative Visual Gaze Analysis for Virtual Board Games" (VINCI, …
VisME Public
Visual analytics system presented in the paper "VisME: Visual microsaccades explorer" (Journal of Eye Movement Research, 2019).